How To Get A Visa In Belarus

How To Get A Visa In Belarus
How To Get A Visa In Belarus

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Like any other country, you can enter Belarus with or without a visa. Citizens of the CIS countries (with the exception of Turkmenistan), Serbia, Montenegro, Mongolia and Cuba enjoy the right to visa-free entry. True, for Cubans, Serbs and Montenegrins, the period of stay is limited to thirty days.

How to get a visa in Belarus
How to get a visa in Belarus


Step 1

Holders of diplomatic passports of some states also enjoy a similar right. The rest of the categories of foreign citizens will need visas.

So for students, businessmen and individuals, short-term (up to three months) visas are provided, which, depending on the circumstances, can be calculated for one, two or several visits.

Step 2

Foreign nationals making tourist trips, as a rule, obtain group short-term visas through agencies. Tourists wishing to extend their stay in Belarus and business representatives have the right to count on long-term visas. For foreigners who often cross Belarus, an annual transit visa is issued with the right to stay on its territory for no more than two days.

Step 3

Visas are issued and issued at consular and diplomatic representations of the Republic of Belarus upon presentation of the relevant documents. If there are no such representations in the country of departure, then a visa can be issued upon arrival at the Minsk airport at the consular center of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In this case, even before arrival, the inviting party is obliged to submit the original invitation to the Department of Citizenship and Migration.

Step 4

The decision to issue a visa is made within five working days. Visa processing is paid. The exception is Serbian citizens applying for a visa for more than a month and Japanese. For them, visas are free. The cost of visas issued upon arrival at the Minsk airport will cost almost twice as much.
