Most of the working-age population has a foreign passport today. However, for many, the procedure for obtaining it was long and painful. The thing is that until now, not in every locality it is possible to draw up a document for temporary trips abroad.

Step 1
Registration of foreign passports for Russian citizens today is in the sole department of the Federal Migration Service. Such a monopoly burdens the citizens of the country in many ways. So, five years ago, everyone was massively forced to switch from paper passports to the so-called new generation passports - biometric. Perhaps the idea is not the worst - the identity is confirmed not just by paper, but by a digital photograph and a chip with human data. However, if earlier a foreign passport of the 63rd series could be made in 3 days, maximum - a week, today the term for producing a biometric passport reaches six months. 30 days is the time of issuing a passport at the State Sign and its movement between Moscow and the regions, the rest is the waiting time for a queue at the Federal Migration Service for passing the photographing procedure.
Step 2
You can apply for a foreign passport in person at any territorial subdivision of the migration service, which has an apparatus for performing digital photography. This equipment is expensive, and therefore there is no equipment in villages and small areas, which means that residents of these localities must issue a passport at the nearest territorial unit equipped with devices. You can find out about the availability of an opportunity to issue a passport on the website of the FMS of the region or by calling the autoinformants of the migration service of the region.
Step 3
Citizens who, for health reasons or due to old age, cannot independently get to the migration service body, can be provided with the service of photographing and processing documents for a passport at home. This service is provided for by the administrative regulations of the department. To invite an inspector of the department of foreign passports, you need to call or send a "messenger" to the head of the department, as well as agree on the time and place for paperwork.
Step 4
If you have lost a valid foreign passport while outside your home country, you need to contact the Embassy or Consulate of Russia. They won't make you a new passport, but they will give you a document allowing you to return to your homeland.