Thailand is undoubtedly a country of relaxation and fun, but fun is mostly for tourists. But what pleases the Thais themselves, what celebrations they celebrate, and most importantly, is it possible for ordinary tourists to experience all these holidays for themselves? The answer will be simple: of course you can! The people of Thailand hold a large number of holidays in which everyone can participate. Therefore, it is worth getting to know the most interesting celebrations of the Land of Smiles, which may interest and intrigue you.

Step 1
Songkran (Thai New Year)
Songkran is an enchanting celebration that tourists will definitely not miss, even if they want to. After all, the Thai New Year, held from 13 to 19 April, is celebrated everywhere and noisily. Initially, Songkran is a Buddhist holiday, these days Thais went to temples, washed off their transgressions and applied powder to their bodies to protect themselves from evil spirits. Now, such an event is being held right on the streets of cities. At any time, you can be doused with ice water and sprinkled with talcum powder from head to toe! You should also be careful on the road, because Thais are big fans of practical jokes. But despite all of the above, this is one of the most fun festivities! After all, who does not like dancing, fiery music and a sea of smiling people.
Step 2
Chiang Mai
Festival of Flowers. The holiday starts on the first Friday of February and lasts three days. These days, the streets of Chiang Mai are filled with enchanting processions in honor of the celebration. There are also many exhibitions held. But the most interesting thing is that at the end of the celebrations, the queen of flowers is chosen, for the choice of which the most beautiful girls in Thailand come, dressed in the most exotic costumes.
Step 3
Bung Bang Fan (Rocket Festival)
This wonderful holiday takes place annually. Such an amazing event can amaze everyone! During the festival, thousands of fireworks are launched that paint the sky with colorful paints.
Best of all, as some tourists put it, "to watch from the beach, because there is a stunning view from there." The holiday takes place before the rainy season, in the second week of May.
Step 4
Monkey banquet
This is the most unusual celebration in Thailand. A similar festival has been held since 1989. From now on, every year the locals hold a lavish banquet for 600 monkeys, although in reality many more guests come to the party.
Step 5
Loi Krantong
This holiday is national and is held in all parts of Thailand. During his celebration, many lighted lanterns with a candle are launched into the endless sky. This event is actually very amazing and will shock anyone who sees it at least once.