A foreign passport is required for citizens to travel outside the Russian Federation. You can submit documents for obtaining a passport at the local departments of the FMS at the place of registration or through the Internet portal of public services.

- - application form;
- - a package of documents.
Step 1
In Russia, in 2009, they began to issue passports of a new type, containing an electronic chip and a digital photo. At the border control points of foreign countries, equipment has been installed that read information about the passport holder by a microchip. This procedure greatly reduces the time for entering data about a person who crosses the border. A biometric passport is issued for a period of 10 years. It is worth noting that if a parent has a new passport, he will not be able to enter his child there. Therefore, even a newborn child, when traveling outside Russia, must obtain a foreign passport.
Step 2
To obtain a biometric passport, an application form must be submitted to the FMS department. It is issued by the employees of the migration service. The application should be written in capital letters and a pen with black paste. The same application can be downloaded in advance from the official website of the local FMS and filled out on a computer. Since January 2014, the application form does not need to be certified by the employer.
Step 3
A photograph for a new passport is taken in a special booth in the building of the migration service. For other needs, you must bring 2 photos with a size of 3 * 4. Images can be either in color resolution or in black and white. Photos should be taken in a photo studio, not with a simple soap box or digital camera.
Step 4
It is also necessary to provide the original of the civil passport and copies of the pages that carry information about the owner. If there is a "foreign" with an expired shelf life, it must also be brought for further disposal. Men under 27 years old must show the original military ID, and citizens who use a deferment from conscription or are enrolled in the reserve must additionally submit a certificate No. 32 from the military registration and enlistment office. Pensioners will need to provide the original pension certificate. To obtain a passport, children under 14 years old must bring a birth certificate with an insert about citizenship.
Step 5
You must pay a state fee for adults in the amount of 2500 rubles, for children under 14 years old - 1200 rubles. The receipt must be attached to the package of documents. Also, from January 2014, it is not required to provide a copy of the work book, certified by the HR department or by the accounting department at the place of work.
Step 6
There is an Internet portal of public services - gosuslugi.ru, through which you can apply for a biometric passport. To register, you need a SNILS number and an activation code. After the employee accepts the questionnaire, an invitation will be sent to the specified mailbox to provide original documents to the FMS and take photographs.