Hiking in the mountains is a rather serious challenge for a person, and you need to prepare for this event in advance. Preparation consists both in the collection of equipment and in the mood of the body to meet the altitude.

Mountain tourism is an expensive hobby, if you take equipment seriously, you will need quite impressive spending. First, you should get a comfortable backpack. Choose it not for price, but for convenience and quality. It should not allow moisture to pass through, it should have good fasteners and zippers, it is desirable that there are many compartments and pockets. Then think about a tent. When choosing it, use the advice of a knowledgeable person. The material from which it is made must be waterproof, the seams must be carefully glued. Better to choose a tent with aluminum arches. Its weight also plays an important role.
Also, for climbing, you will need a rug, a sleeping bag, and other little things, such as glasses, a flashlight, a compass, a map, a navigator, a first aid kit, etc. Pay great attention to clothes and shoes. Do not take new shoes with you, it is better to take worn-out ones. Buy thermal underwear, it will not be superfluous on the hike. Take extra pants, sweater, shirt. Do not forget about the headdress.
The above things are the minimum that a mountain tourist should have with him. There are many accessories, the convenience and necessity of which the traveler can appreciate only after a few hikes.
Physical fitness of the body is also important. For 2-3 months before the hike, you should increase the load. Jog, swim, walk, ride a bike. You should be in good shape, but not overworked. Also, special preparation of the lungs and vestibular apparatus is needed.
Take a course of good vitamins, having previously consulted a doctor. Take hematogen. A month before the ascent, exclude strong tea, coffee, alcohol from the diet. Start drinking eubiotics 2-3 weeks in advance to support your intestinal microflora. Try to treat sluggish and chronic illnesses. Only after that you can start climbing.