Getting into the lost village is by no means easy, no matter how much Hollywood blockbusters say otherwise. Without proper equipment and a reliable person who knows the area like the back of his hand, your search is unlikely to be crowned with success.

It is necessary
Equipment, water and provisions, map of the area, guide
Step 1
Before you go in search of the lost village, you will need to prepare for the upcoming journey in the most serious way. Take with you a tent, spare clothing, a pack of matches, a knife, a fishing rod, snares, a hunting rifle, as well as supplies of water and provisions. When collecting equipment, expect that your journey will last two weeks, or even a whole month.
Step 2
In order to find the lost village, you will need a map showing its location. She either had to get you by inheritance from a deceased relative, or get into your hands in some other way.
However, even if you do not have such a map, do not despair: any lost village was once completely ordinary, which means that it was taken into account when drawing up ordinary geographical maps.
Go to libraries and study archival maps and old literature on geography: for sure, somewhere there is a mention of the very village you want to find.
Step 3
In order for the search for the lost village to be crowned with success, you will need to find a guide. This person should perfectly navigate the area where you are going to search, as well as know about the lost village and the place where it may be located.
Also, you must be sure that this person will not run away one day, robbing you, and will not leave you alone in a difficult situation.