Reality is mixed with dreams! A romantic corner covered with haze, the mirror-like surface of the water, the anticipation of something fabulous and magical. This idyll arose on swampy swampy islets in Northern Italy. This is a bright enchanting state, with its own bridges and crossings. Over the years, these islets have grown together and revealed to the world a delightful man-made nugget.

This city is built on water in the truest sense of the word. Venice is majestic palaces, lush luxury, bridges and bridges, ancient incomparable buildings, river trams and gondolas, and a constant splash of water that caresses the ear.
The town is very crowded with buildings. The first to meet is the Grand Canal, which stretches across the city. Starting from the railway station, it snakes along the entire territory and only at the customs it merges with the San Marco Canal.
Being the main Venetian street, it does not even have embankments. But the gaze reveals the greatness of more than a hundred palaces and churches of fabulous beauty. One of the palaces, Ka'd'Oro (Golden House), strikes with its lacy beauty. He is considered to be the most beautiful of all the palace splendor. Throughout history, a large number of owners have changed, in this regard, the original appearance of the building has sunk into summer.
The oldest bridge, the Rialto, is thrown across the narrowest part of the Grand Canal. This is the first pontoon crossing. The first shops appeared on the Rialto, whose owners paid taxes. There was an extensive trade in a wide variety of goods, many Venetian merchants gathered. The Rialto Bridge appears in the play "The Merchant of Venice" by W. Shakespeare.
The heart of Venice is undeniably St. Mark's Square. At the mention of this name, you immediately imagine pigeons, flood bridges, the Palace of Rains. The regularly filmed scenes of films have made a legend and a cult out of her. The greeting columns of St. Mark and St. Theodore symbolize the omnipotence of the city on the seas!
Particular attention should be paid to the island of Murano. Bright, multifaceted, shimmering with all colors and shades of the buildings of this island unusually and instantly cheer up. And many swans soothe, inspire and give an excellent boost of vivacity. The island is famous for its lace makers; since the 16th century, various airy laces have been woven here. And in 1981 the Lace Museum was created.
Venetian transport includes river trams, vaporettos (water buses), gondolas, traghettos (small gondolas). And there is also a river taxi and tram-cafes. Thanks to this transport, you get the impression that you are in a fabulous country. The unusualness of the Venetian transport is mesmerizing and undoubtedly uplifting.
The peak of pleasure and extravaganza is the Venetian Carnival, restored in the 1980s. The Carnival of Venice is the richness and uniqueness of the musical and cultural heritage!