Every citizen of the Russian Federation must have a foreign passport to travel outside the state. To register it, you should contact the Office of the Migration Service at the place of registration. Countries such as Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Belarus, Tajikistan and Abkhazia do not need a passport.

Step 1
All regional departments for registration of a foreign passport accept a package of documents strictly according to coupons. Therefore, before preparing various pieces of paper, you should go to the FMS at the place of registration and take a coupon. It is issued every day at any time according to the work schedule of the department. The coupon will record the day when you need to come with the documents for the further registration of the passport.
Step 2
The required documents include a general civil passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. Additionally, you should make photocopies of pages that carry information about the owner. If you have a passport that has expired or has expired, it must be provided to the employees of the migration service for disposal. Photos should be 3 by 4 in size, in color or black and white. It is better to take a photo in a specialized salon, and not on a phone or digital camera yourself. Employees may reject such images. The number of photos depends on the sample of the future passport. For the old one, 3 photos are required, for the biometric one - 2.
Step 3
Persons of the stronger sex are required to provide the original military ID or a certificate from the military registration and enlistment office. Pensioners need to bring a pension certificate. Previously, they demanded to submit the original or a copy of the work book certified by the accounting department. Since 2014, this item has been canceled. Also, there is no need to certify the application form with your employer.
Step 4
A citizen must pay a state fee. The amount for an old passport is 1000 rubles, for a new one with a biochip - 2500 rubles. For children under 14 years old, respectively, 300 rubles. and 1200 p. A receipt with paid state duty should be attached to the list of documents.
Step 5
At the place of submission of documents, you must fill out an application for obtaining a foreign passport. You can also download the form of the questionnaire in advance from the official website of the FMS and write it on your computer. The application is required to be written in capital letters using a black ink pen.
Step 6
There is an Internet portal of government services gosuslugi.ru, through which you can submit an application, documents and photos for registration of a foreign trip. To do this, you need to register in the portal using the SNILS number and the activation code. After completing all the steps and checking them by the employee of the migration service, a notification is sent to the specified mailbox with an invitation to the department to provide original documents and to be photographed on a biometric passport.