Where To Go Fishing

Where To Go Fishing
Where To Go Fishing

Whoever has ever fished in his life will remember this forever. Some people like to fish, because they merge with the silence and beauty of nature, and for some, a bountiful catch is important. In order to successfully plot your fishing route, it is worth planning it in advance.

Where to go fishing
Where to go fishing

If you live in a city far from where you can fish and want to spend your weekend fishing, you should learn more about the location of the reservoirs where you can indulge in this activity. Explore a suburban detailed map showing all lakes, rivers, reservoirs, etc. Find out from your friends, consult in fishing clubs or on the corresponding Internet sites, where you can successfully fish and what conditions have been created for this. Contact travel agencies. Find out where to stay if you are coming for a few days, perhaps with family or friends. Specify what expenses you are facing and what documents you need to have with you.

If you decide on a more serious trip, for example, around the country, you should pay attention to some interesting facts. It is believed that the fisherman who has learned to fish in the suburbs will catch it anywhere. All fish near Moscow are very careful. To catch it, the angler requires serious enough skills. In addition, seasonality, time of day, and weather are important factors. Fishing in the Moscow region rarely pleases the fisherman with high results: there are few fish in the reservoirs, and besides, it is small.

But at a short distance from the northern capital, there are reservoirs that are still rich in fish. The best location in this area is, of course, the southern coast of the Gulf of Finland. Here they still catch pike perch, perch, bream and pike with sports gear. Large smelt is hunted here in winter. In the rivers flowing into the Gulf of Finland, roach, ide, pike, perch are well caught. Sometimes catching grayling, trout and some types of salmon breeds can also please. And when you come to fish on the Narva reservoir, you will get a great chance to try to catch a large pike.

You simply will not be able to remain indifferent, having made a trip to Karelia. Rocks covered with pine trees, lakes with the purest glacial water and rapids are mesmerizing with their strength and untouched beauty. The composition of fish in the local water bodies differs from the inhabitants of the water areas of the central and southern regions of Russia. In addition to the usual species, lake trout, burbot, whitefish, smelt, vendace, smelt and salmon are found in Karelia.

The Rybinsk Reservoir attracts attention with its convenient geographic location, abundance of fish and the presence of fishing bases providing boats, tackle, etc. Located in central Russia, it is a constant and popular "fishing resort" throughout the year. About 40 species of fish live here. Fans of different fishing methods hone their skills here.

If you like overseas fishing, you can go to Finland, where the beauty of river and lake landscapes disposes to rest and good mood, including from the catch, both for beginners and professionals. Norway provides an excellent opportunity to fish, enjoying the beauty of the fjords and the big fish. You can also go to Bulgaria to fish in the Black Sea or in the waters of clear mountain lakes. If you want something exotic, then plan your trip to the southern seas and oceans.
