How To Fill Out A Schengen Visa Application Form In

How To Fill Out A Schengen Visa Application Form In
How To Fill Out A Schengen Visa Application Form In

Table of contents:


Filling out the application form for obtaining a Schengen visa is difficult only at first glance. In addition, the form itself has hints on how to fill it out. Therefore, it makes sense to arrange it yourself, without resorting to paid services of intermediaries.

How to fill out a Schengen visa application form
How to fill out a Schengen visa application form


Step 1

Download the visa application form from the official website of the embassy of the country that will be the main destination during your trip. Application forms for obtaining a Schengen visa from different countries differ slightly from each other, in particular, information can be presented in different languages, although the essence of the questions is the same.

Step 2

Complete questions 1-10, all of which are about your personality. Write your name and surname as it is written in your passport, write the previous surname in Latin letters as you hear it. In question 6, indicate the country of birth of the USSR, if you were born before 1991, in question 7, indicate your citizenship: Russian Federation. Please tick the boxes for questions regarding marital status and gender. Place a dash in question 11.

Step 3

Enter your passport details in questions 12-16. All information can be found on the page where the photo is posted.

Step 4

In question 17, write your email address and contact phone number. Question 18 is filled only by those who live on the territory of Russia, but are not its citizens.

Step 5

Indicate your place of work and profession in questions 19 and 20, leave the employer's phone number. Remember that some embassies will check this information and may refuse a visa if they provide false information.

Step 6

Fill in questions 21-30, they relate to the entry into the Schengen area, in questions 21 and 24, just tick the boxes. In question 26, list the Schengen countries you have traveled to in the last three years since the last. Check question 27 with a dash if you have not been fingerprinted before. In questions 28 and 29, fill in the dates according to the purchased transport tickets.

Step 7

In questions 31 and 32, please provide information about the person inviting you to the Schengen country or the hotel where you have made your reservation. Leave your phone number and e-mail.

Step 8

Please indicate who bears your expenses during your stay in the Schengen country in question 33.

Step 9

Complete questions 34 and 35 if you have relatives in the European Union. If there are none, put a dash.

Step 10

Indicate the place and date of filling in question 36 and on the last page of the questionnaire. Please sign in question 37 and on the last page in the dedicated field.
