St. Petersburg is known all over the world for its sights. There is hardly another city in the world that has managed to contain so much history.

It is difficult to imagine a city on the Neva without the famous bridges. Thanks to them, Petersburg is often compared to Venice. Popular tourist routes run across the huge bridges of the Neva, but do not forget about others, lost among the city landscapes.
Bank Bridge is one of the few suspension bridges in the city on the Neva that has survived to this day. It is thrown across two islands: Spassky and Kazansky. The bridge was created in 1825 thanks to the skill of the talented designers V. K. Tretter and V. A. Khristianovich, who worked under the leadership of the foreman I. Kostin.
The bridge is located at the entrance to the Assignation Bank and crosses the Griboyedov Canal (formerly the Yekaterininsky Canal). Due to the close position of the bank, the bridge began to be called the Bank Bridge. Bank Bridge attracts attention due to its luxurious decoration, despite the very modest dimensions of 25 meters in length and a little more than 2 meters in width.
In 1826, 4 incredibly beautiful figures of griffins by the sculptor Sokolov were installed on the bridge. The bodies of the griffins are made of cast iron, and the wings are cast of copper and gilded. The figures, however, are not only pleasing to the eye, but also perform a practical function - they hide the supporting structures of the bearing bridge.
According to legends, the griffins of the Bank Bridge help to get rich. These mythical creatures are capable of protecting wealth from any encroachment. No wonder the griffins are located at the door of one of the most successful commercial banks!
What needs to be done in order for the magical power of griffins to increase wealth? According to one of the opinions, you should rub the griffin's paw or hide a coin under the paw. There is another way - while walking on the bridge, you should attach paper bills tightly to your head or shake coins in your pocket. To fulfill desires, it is advised to touch the left thigh of the griffin, which is located closest to the Kazan Cathedral (it is located very nearby).
There is also a sign among local students - before the exam, you need to write the name of the subject and put it under the paw of a griffin. It is curious that griffins are woven into legends and other sights of the city. According to legend, these mystical creatures circle in the sky over St. Petersburg at night, protecting the city from harm.