If you are hiking outside of human habitats, a survival kit can come in very handy. It is not at all necessary to buy a ready-made one. You can assemble it yourself.

Specially trained people get by with a much smaller set of things than ours. But we are counting on a wide range of readers who prefer free travel to sitting still.
Our survival kit will include the following items.
- Means for producing fire - matches, filled with wax to prevent getting wet, a lighter, a magnifying glass, flint and a chair.
- Means of food - fishing line, fishing hooks, sinkers, floats, silicone baits, a small nylon net for fishing and the construction of traps for small game.
- A small group of medicines - antibiotics, antiseptics, antiallergenic, pain relievers and hemostatic agents, several packs of activated charcoal, which can save your life even with serious food poisoning. Do not forget about the expiration dates of medications, otherwise the treatment may go badly for you.
- Means for transferring and storing water will seem unusual to some, but they have proven themselves well even in the special forces of the armies of the world - these are ordinary or heavy-duty condoms. They can carry up to 3-5 liters of water, store even more, and they themselves do not take up much space.
- It's also good to have a foldable cutting tool - a cable saw, a swiss knife, and a set of razor blades.
- A pair of compactly folded cellophane raincoats and a few meters of thin, but strong rope, a spool of strong thread with needles, safety pins will not be superfluous.
- Recently, LED flashlights began to appear on sale, with the ability to manually recharge their batteries. Such a light source would be very useful on a deep dark night or when exploring places where daylight does not fall.
- The simplest means of navigation and signaling are a compass and a whistle.
- Dry ration - a chocolate bar with nuts or any high-calorie product, small in size, with a long shelf life.
All these things should be compactly packed in a waterproof case. It is advisable to carefully protect medicines and means of producing fire from water. Then, everything is placed in a sturdy pouch, which is hung on a waist belt along with a camping knife and a flask. This is done so that the kit always stays with you, even if for some reason you have lost access to the backpack with your supplies and things.