There are a large number of information portals that are dedicated to tourism and carry all possible information about tour operators. They publish ratings of the best travel companies every year, but where can you find such ratings? It is enough to go to the Internet.

What ratings of tour operators can you trust?
Most of the tour operator ratings should be a notional factor and be based on a study of user reviews left by visitors to the most popular travel portals and tour operator sites on the network. Usually, most of these ratings are compiled in December at the end of the year.
When compiling a rating of reliable and good tour operators, many different factors are taken into account, such as: the speed of obtaining documents, the system of booking air tickets, hotels and hotels, the reputation of the tour operator, the speed of confirmation of tours, the competitiveness of offers for tour packages, the duration of work on the market, the quality of the site, the efficiency of service staff.
Also, popularity ratings are based on the number of requests from Internet users in most search engines, such as Yandex, Rambler, Mail. Ru and others.
A large number of ratings and top reliability of tour operators are compiled taking into account their activities in a particular country, as well as taking into account the reviews of the vacationers themselves.
Where to look for ratings of the best tour operators?
Today the internet is replete with various and varied travel portals that offer different ratings of the reliability of tour operators. All information portals about tourism provide information about which tour operator is good and reliable. They are largely based on reviews of tourists and travel agencies using the services of these tour operators.
On the sites of information portals about tourism, such as,,, and many others, you can view the rating, which includes many large tour operators.
This rating is based on the opinion of users and personal reviews of tourists, so it can be considered quite objective.
There is also an independent rating and the TravelRussianNews magazine, which organizes the annual Travel Russian Awards ceremony, which honors all major travel companies operating in Russia. This independent electronic magazine presents the "Rating of Russian Tour Operators".
So when choosing a site or information portal where the next rating of the best tour operators will be published, you need to check and compare at least a few of them.