How To Organize A Free Trip

How To Organize A Free Trip
How To Organize A Free Trip

Traveling around the world takes up a lot of money, but that doesn't stop you from traveling all over the world! Pack your luggage and get out on the road, hitchhiking is the most economical type of travel.

how to travel for free
how to travel for free

Is your dream to explore all corners of the world on your own, or do you just love to travel, constantly discovering new spaces? Then you are interested in how to independently organize a free trip abroad and quickly turn your plans into reality.

Free rides are the best way to see the world, but, unfortunately, there are no absolutely free ways to travel - in any case, you have to spend at least a little money. But there is an excellent opportunity to look at other states, while spending a minimum of funds. This budget travel method is hitchhiking.

A little about the phenomenon

Hitchhiking is the most interesting, romantic and economical way to travel. This is a good opportunity not only to see the world, but also to get to know yourself and other people well, learn how to easily make new acquaintances, find good friends, and immerse yourself in the atmosphere of tourism. Communicating with the drivers, you can learn a lot of interesting things about local customs and culture - sometimes this knowledge is much broader and deeper than what the guides give.

Hitchhiking is popular, and therefore it is difficult to find an experienced tourist who has never stood on the sidelines at least once, trying to catch a passing car and go down the road into the distance, conquer unknown territories. Why not give it a try too?

Hitchhiking commandments

If you decide to hitchhike, do not rush to jump with your luggage into the first passing car. To get started, familiarize yourself with some of the rules, knowledge of which will help you travel around many countries with minimal cash costs.

If there is a road, there will be cars. Don't be discouraged if transport doesn't appear on the horizon for too long. It is worth waiting a little longer, or changing the waiting place to a more prosperous one. In any case, sooner or later you will catch a car and dash off into the distance.

If you are offered something, take it without hesitation. This is how you can get rare things, souvenirs, and just food on the road. Do not be surprised - quite often local drivers generously share a variety of things with fellow travelers, many of which are quite valuable and interesting.

Remember that the earth is round, so don't be rude to drivers and behave rudely if you don't want to be treated the same way elsewhere. This is called the rule of morality, and following it can greatly facilitate life, not only on a trip, but also in other situations.

Following the listed rules, you will reduce the cost of hitchhiking by exploring foreign cities, attractions for free, as well as meeting interesting people, many of whom can become good friends for you.

There are also tricks

Look closely at drivers who agree to give you a lift to your destination. It is difficult to determine the level of danger by sight, so you need to rely on intuition in this matter. But be prepared for self-defense, as people are different.

It is much safer and more fun to hitchhike with your friends. There is someone to talk to in your native language, and it is much easier to cope with problems and avoid dangers. If you're a minor, it's best to hitchhike with your parents or with older friends who can vouch for you and keep you out of harm's way. Make your trip as fun and safe as possible.