How To Get Ready For The Forest

How To Get Ready For The Forest
How To Get Ready For The Forest

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Walking in nature is a great way to spend time with the whole family. A good rest is possible only if it is well organized, therefore, it is necessary to plan the collection in the forest in advance. There is nothing difficult in this, you just need to take into account the season of the walk and its purpose.

How to get ready for the forest
How to get ready for the forest


  • - insect repellents,
  • - a set of food products


Step 1

When going to the forest, remember that this is a place of residence for ticks and mosquitoes. The former are especially active in the summer. Therefore, before going to the forest, you need to purchase appropriate protective equipment, remembering that if small children go on a hike, then they require gentle cosmetics. There are a lot of insect repellent creams and sprays on the market.

Step 2

But even in the case of using such means, during the period of increased activity of ticks, equip yourself appropriately: a hat, outerwear with a high collar and sleeves with an elastic band, appropriate pants. This will allow you to maximally protect yourself from insects.

Step 3

When planning a trip to the forest, remember that if there is a shortage of any item, it will not be possible to make up for it. At the same time, unnecessary things will weigh down. Therefore, make a list of everything you need to take with you in advance. In order not to forget anything, divide it into the appropriate sections: household items, food, first-aid kit.
