According to the observations of travel agencies, individual and family holidays in the Kingdom of Thailand are gaining more and more popularity over the past six years. You can visit Thailand using the services of travel agencies or on your own, if you are not afraid of the language barrier and the hassle of organizing a trip.

How to fly from Moscow to Thailand
The cost of a flight from Moscow to Thailand can be very attractive if you take care of the selection of a flight in advance. You can fly from Moscow to Thailand by charter and regular flights. The range of prices for economy class tickets can be from 12,000 rubles to 100,000 rubles, and in some cases even more. The cheapest plane tickets can be purchased by tracking the appearance of "hot" charter flights on the corresponding resources. This method is more suitable for those people who do not have a rigid binding to departure dates, and they can afford to pay for the trip a few hours or one or two days before the start.
The term "aggregator" comes from the Latin "aggregatio" - "accumulation". Aggregator - the one who aggregates, gathers objects into a group.
The most pleasant price for a flight from Moscow to Bangkok will be in the low season, at a time when the main tourist flows are directed in the opposite direction. The season in Thailand starts in November and ends in March, so March last minute tickets to Thailand will be the cheapest option available. Buying return tickets will be most profitable in the fall, but such a range of departure and arrival dates is not convenient for a person going on vacation for a couple of weeks. If you are not going to a six-month winter, the option of selecting tickets through search resources is more relevant for you.
There are many search aggregators that monitor airline websites for tickets in all directions. If you know exactly your vacation dates, then you need to buy a ticket in advance, two or three months in advance. You can start tracking prices earlier. But, as practice shows, the prices for a ticket five months before departure and three months before departure do not differ much from each other. In any case, such a view will be useful for understanding the prices in the air ticket market.
What to look for when choosing a flight
Try different date options for departure from Moscow. Sometimes the price changes significantly if you move the departure day by two to three to five days in either direction. Such a trick will not work if you are going to fly at the very peak of the season, when people are dropping en masse to celebrate the New Year on the seashore. Take round-trip tickets at once, it's cheaper.
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If you are leaving for more than two weeks and are afraid of queues at the Moscow Embassy of the Kingdom of Thailand, then it makes sense to look at tickets to a neighboring country. Malaysia or Laos. Upon arrival, you can easily apply for a tourist visa, transfer to the low-cost airline Air Asia and fly to Thailand.
Do not stop at one departure point to Thailand. Despite the fact that when departing from Moscow you have a large selection of airlines, it may turn out that the Moscow-Bangkok option is not the best one. Let it not be Moscow, but the capital of a neighboring state, Belarus or Ukraine. Try to search by parameters: Kiev-Bangkok, Kiev-Phuket, Minsk-Bangkok, Minsk-Phuket. Sometimes you can be surprised at how much it costs to fly from Moscow to Thailand via Kiev. As a rule, flights to Bangkok are cheaper than other airports in the country.
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