Train tickets are an eternal headache. People have to think about whether there are seats in the right direction or not, how to find out how many tickets are left and in which carriage they will have to go. However, to avoid such questions, you can buy tickets online.

Buying a ticket at the train station ticket office
Previously, people could only buy train tickets at special ticket offices. Of the advantages of this, only one can be noted - you still get a ticket. As for the cons, you can include wasted time and additional financial costs. It is not a fact that the railway ticket office is located next to your house. The trip can take a long time. In addition, you need to take into account the huge queues and waiting for technical breaks in the cashier's work. In addition, if you get to the ticket office by transport, you pay for the round trip, and there may simply not be tickets to the desired direction.
Buying a train ticket via the Internet
In the 21st century, modern technologies can help with the selection and purchase of tickets for any type of transport. The biggest plus is saving time and effort. You can checkout both at home and at lunchtime at the workplace.
There are a lot of services on the network that allow you to make a purchase. On such sites, you can choose not only the date of departure and return, but also see which carriages have free seats, which seats and how many they are.
It will take only a couple of minutes to fill out the necessary forms, or a little more if this is your first time trying to make a purchase. If you are a happy owner of electronic payment cards, paying for tickets will also not take much time.
After completing the payment, you will receive a special electronic document containing your personal data, as well as the carriage number and your seat. This document should be printed and presented to the ticket office at the train station. You will receive tickets at the box office at any time convenient for you. Remember that you do not need to pay extra for tickets at the railway station ticket office - no commissions, insurance, additional services, etc. If money is demanded from you, contact the head of the station. In addition, now there is an opportunity to complete electronic registration, which does not require a printed document. You can use online booking services from absolutely any device: from a personal computer, from a tablet or phone.
The disadvantages of buying a train ticket include the fact that the intermediary site can take a commission for its services. The amount, as a rule, is not too large and averages 5% of the ticket price.