Onsite orientation is not an easy task for most people. Once in an unfamiliar place, a person often cannot find his way. Most often this happens when a person enters a country whose language he does not know. Then you have to come up with ways to find out the way.

Step 1
Asking a police officer is not such a bad start. In each country, the appeal to the policeman will be different, but the meaning remains the same. Militiamen, policemen, gendarmes, whatever you call them, are well-versed in their area and show the way.
Step 2
You can get directions using the navigator. People may not know the road and send you into such a jungle, from where you will only be taken out by a tow truck. The navigator, being a car, will not lie.
Step 3
You can find out the way in a simpler, more ancient, all comprehensible way - on the map. In order to navigate the city map, no special skills or abilities are required. You can always spy on such a map on the Internet or buy it at the nearest kiosk. Also, don't forget about road signs. In countries where the roads and traffic are approached more responsibly than ours, it is quite possible to get where you need by using road signs, especially if the country is densely populated and you do not have to travel 200 km between two signs.
Step 4
Finally, seek help from passers-by. If a person is not a foreigner himself and knows his city well, he will show you the way without unnecessary hassle. There may, however, be problems with "right" and "left", but this happens rarely nowadays. A passer-by can accompany you to the right place, engaging you with a conversation or a joke, and if you have climbed into wild and poorly explored places, a local resident may be absolutely necessary: he probably knows the area better than google and a navigator.
Step 5
After all, no one has canceled the notches on the tree trunks, and the good old compass will always be happy to serve you. It is unlikely that you will begin to use such devices and identification signs in a big city (even if they are sometimes called the stone jungle), but in the forest they, like no one else, will help you get out, and what else would you want if you do not get back to the light of civilization?