If you are going on a multi-day hike, then you should think over a menu for every day in order to eat tasty and varied enough and, at the same time, not to carry too much weight on yourself.

Hiking soup
Products for 1 serving of soup:
- canned meat - 1/4 cans; - potatoes - 1 pc.; - carrots - 1/4 pcs.; - cereals - a tablespoon; - water - 1, 5 cups - spices, onions - optional
Pour water into a pot, dip onions and coarsely chopped carrots, cover and put on fire. When it boils, remove the foam, salt, add washed cereals (millet, rice, buckwheat) and move the pot to a less hot place. When the cereal has softened, add the chopped potatoes and cook for about 10 minutes. Add canned meat and spices before cooking.
Camping porridge
Cooking porridge requires 80 g of cereal per serving. The amount of water depends on the cereal: for buckwheat, millet and pearl barley, water is required 2.5 times more; for rice - 4 times. Rinse the groats and lower them in boiling salty water, and move the pot to a cool place where the porridge will gurgle slightly. Stir the porridge from time to time - it is convenient to do this with a spoon tightly tied to a long, smoothly rounded stick. When the porridge is ready, it can be mixed, if desired, with condensed milk or canned meat.
Hiking pancakes
Sometimes, on a long hike, you can pamper your team with delicious pancakes for evening tea. Pour water, condensed milk, a couple of tablespoons of sunflower oil, a little salt into the flour and stir well to make a thick dough. You don't need to add anything else - condensed milk is a good baking powder. Fry the pancakes in sunflower oil in a well-heated skillet.