France is the most attractive country in the world for foreign tourists. In terms of the number of foreign visitors, it is far ahead of its closest competitors: the United States, China and Italy. Most of all, tourists are attracted by its capital - Paris. But many guests of France also visit the historical provinces of this country to see their sights, taste local food and drinks.

Normandy - historical region of France
The northwestern province of France, Normandy, is very popular with tourists. Its main city, Rouen, is known for the fact that it was here that the heroine of the French people, Jeanne d'Arc, was convicted and executed. From the former city fortress, the only tower has survived, where the girl was kept in custody. From here she was sent to the Old Market (Vieux Marché), where she was burned alive at the stake. Now this tower is called the Tower of Jeanne, and a high cross is installed at the place of execution. The Church of Saint Jeanne was built next to it.
Soon after the execution, the girl was rehabilitated, and in 1920 the Catholic Church canonized her.
Rouen has many interesting sights. First of all, this is a gigantic cathedral, the majestic Abbey of Saint-Ouen, the Church of Saint-Maclou, built in the style of "flaming Gothic". Lovers of antiquity will surely like the quarters of old half-timbered houses with walls, in which sloping wooden beams serve as a supporting structure.
The most interesting natural, historical and architectural object of Normandy is the island of Mont Saint Michel off the coast of the English Channel. There are very strong tides in this place, the water rises by 14-15 meters twice a day. One can imagine how much labor and patience it took the ancient builders to build on the island a powerful fortress and a majestic abbey, which is a masterpiece of Gothic architecture.
Of great interest to the guests of Normandy is the city of Caen, where there is a huge powerful castle built in the 11th century by Duke William, the future conqueror of England.
Champagne - the birthplace of a sparkling drink
The historic province of Champagne is also very popular with tourists. Firstly, because there is the city of Reims with its main attraction - the most beautiful cathedral, where for many centuries many French kings were crowned.
Secondly, it is in this province that the best sparkling wines are produced, known all over the world as "Champagne". Near the town of Epernay in the old catacombs are the largest galleries-storage of champagne.
Tourists are offered various tours in Champagne, including visits to wine cellars and tasting.
Other historical provinces of France are also of great interest: Provence, Burgundy, Brittany, Artois. Each of them is good in its own way and attracts guests.