Nizhny Novgorod is a city with a thousand-year history and glorious traditions, which bears the unofficial title of "the third capital of Russia". Every year hundreds of thousands of travelers from different parts of Russia and the world come to appreciate the beauty of one of the oldest cities in the world. The tourist season in Nizhny Novgorod lasts throughout the year, but the largest influx of guests occurs precisely in the second half of spring and summer months.

Nizhny Novgorod is located in the zone of action of the temperate continental type of climate characteristic of the central part of the East European Plain. The average annual temperature in the region is about + 4 ° C, the average air humidity is around 75%. For Nizhny Novgorod, a moderately hot short summer is typical with an average air temperature of about + 18 ° C … + 20 ° C. However, the sweltering 40-degree heat is also not uncommon.
Due to the small continentality of the climate, in the warm season the air in the city warms up higher than in Moscow. By the number of sunny days per year, Nizhny Novgorod is ahead of the capital.
Features of the climate of Nizhny Novgorod
Nizhny Novgorod was founded at the confluence of the two greatest rivers of the European part of Russia - the Volga and Oka. The Oka divides the city into two parts, differing from each other in relief - the left-bank low-lying Zarechny region and the right-bank elevated Nagorny. In the Zarechnaya part of the city it is much warmer than in Nagornaya, while in Nagornaya, precipitation falls on average by 15-20% more during the year. The maximum amount of precipitation occurs in July. The rains are usually short but intense. Thunderstorms are possible in July accompanied by squally winds. When planning a trip to Nizhny Novgorod in the summer, it is worth taking warm clothes with you, as often evenings and nights remain cold, especially at the beginning of the season. Cool and windy weather, however, like the heat, is not very comfortable to endure due to the high humidity, since there are dozens of reservoirs in the city.
Summer vacation in Nizhny Novgorod
The official start of the swimming season in the capital of the region starts at the beginning of June, when the water in lakes and rivers barely warms up to + 19 ° C. On the territory of the city, more than twenty municipal beaches are equipped, on which residents and guests like to spend hot summer hours.
In July it gets much warmer, the water temperature rises to + 24 ° C.
In the second decade of April, the opening of the navigation season on the Volga takes place. A cruise along the banks of the river is a great opportunity to enjoy the beauty of the Volga towns and get an incomparable aesthetic pleasure from contemplating the famous Volga sunsets.
A large number of sanatorium complexes are located in the vicinity of Nizhny Novgorod. The amazing nature of these places is conducive to relaxation and healing. The optimal period for starting wellness procedures is considered to be the period from the second half of April to July inclusive. So, one of the popular centers is located on the territory of the village of Zeleny Gorod, which is located at a distance of twenty-five kilometers from the city.