How To Emigrate To France

How To Emigrate To France
How To Emigrate To France

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France is often referred to as the country of emigrants. Steadily following its democratic traditions, this state provides asylum and the opportunity to live on its territory for people of various countries and nationalities. Therefore, in France it is relatively easy to obtain a residence permit for a native of the former USSR, which does not belong to the European Union. And yet, emigration to France for Russian citizens can be a very difficult task if you do not know the specifics of the immigration policy of this country.

How to emigrate to France
How to emigrate to France


Step 1

Currently, you can emigrate to France through three main channels: in the process of family reunification (marriage with a French national or moving to close relatives), professional immigration or obtaining political asylum.

Step 2

A resident of Russia can also obtain a residence permit in France if he has real estate in this country or an annual contract for renting an apartment and is able to deposit at least 18,000 euros to an account with a French bank for each adult family member annually.

Step 3

Professional immigration in France falls into three main categories: recruitment, independent professional activity, and commerce. The length and complexity of consideration of an application for a residence permit depends on the specific type of this classification. It is most problematic to obtain a favorable solution in an employment-based employment relationship. In this case, the application for a residence permit must be submitted not by the foreign citizen himself, but by a French employer who is ready to hire him.

Step 4

If your professional activity has anything to do with trade (selling or buying goods / services), then in addition to a residence permit, you will also need to obtain a merchant's card. This requirement increases the risk of refusal to consider your case. This includes not only sales agents but also executive managers of limited liability companies.

Step 5

When obtaining a residence permit as a refugee, you will have to prove that your human rights have been regularly violated by the authorities (army, police, state apparatus) in your country of residence. This is the main factor influencing the granting of political asylum. It should also be borne in mind that the state in France is not engaged in the settlement of political refugees. At best, you can only be provided with a temporary hotel for accommodation, but at least the first three months of your stay in the country you will have to provide for yourself. Then the local commune can take care of you.
