Flying in an airplane is a very tedious activity, even if an airline with a very good level of service is chosen. Nevertheless, you still have to fly. This means that you need to try to make air travel as comfortable as possible. To do this, it is worth knowing where it is better to sit on the plane in order to ensure yourself the maximum comfort and safety.

Choosing a comfortable seat on the plane
In terms of the variety of seats, the plane is still slightly inferior to the train. There are no upper and lower rows, as well as the usual side seats. Passengers are given a choice of seats:
- in the tail of the aircraft;
- at the aisle or porthole;
- in the nose of the aircraft or at the wing.
Before choosing a comfortable seat on the plane, you need to determine for yourself what your personal preferences are.
The distance between the seats varies depending on the comfort class. More comfortable seats are located near the exit and in front of the aircraft. If possible, it is better to choose places exactly there in order to settle down with the greatest comfort. If the greatest safety is important to you, take seats in the tail of the plane.
According to statistics, more accidents occur during takeoff or landing. The fact is that during takeoff, the plane can easily catch its tail on the ground. In this case, the front part, in the event of a break, goes forward and falls to the ground, and the tail part simply remains on the ground.
The undoubted plus of landing at the beginning of the cabin is that you can stretch your legs and, if necessary, sleep. At the same time, you will not be disturbed by drafts and the noise of running engines. In addition, food and drinks are served from the bow of the aircraft. From this it follows that the front seats are the most comfortable and comfortable.
Choosing a seat on the plane taking into account your height
When choosing a seat on the plane, you must also take into account your height. If it is less than 160 centimeters, you can easily fit even in the middle row. You will feel comfortable and comfortable there.
But if your height is much higher than the indicated numbers, it will not be so comfortable here. Your legs will rest on your chin, and as a result, you will not be able to relax properly.
Passengers with a height of more than 160 centimeters are better off choosing seats in the bow or at the exit.
Seats at the rear of the plane are a great seating area. If you prefer to sleep during the flight, by all means go there. As a rule, there are always empty seats in this part of the aircraft, because many people choose the middle and the beginning of the cabin.
But you need to take into account special subtleties. Some aircraft models have engines in the rear. Because of this, you will always hear the noise of the engines running. If you are very sensitive, you will hardly be able to sleep and get a good rest.
According to statistics, for many passengers the question of where it is better to sit on the plane is still not the most important - they are more important than the neighbor with whom they are flying. After all, it is with him during the flight that you can talk and pass the time perfectly.