For city dwellers, a trip to nature is a real pleasure and an opportunity to take a break from the bustle of the city. This is an event that is being prepared in advance. Unfortunately, often this preparation comes down to only the acquisition of food supplies, and possible dangers are not taken into account at all. So that you really get rest, and not torment, you need to protect yourself on a trip to nature and protect yourself as much as possible from troubles.

Step 1
Be sure to check the weather forecast for these days that you plan to spend in nature. Take care not to get wet or freeze if the forecast promises you intermittent rain or cold snap. The perfect solution is lightweight and space-saving cellophane raincoats that can be supplied to both children and adults.
Step 2
Study the map of the area where you are going, especially if you are going there for the first time. Take it with you so you don't get lost. If you go to nature in several independent groups, agree on a system of identification marks and marks that will help you stay on track and go out to all groups to the agreed place. Take a compass with you.
Step 3
Consider your outfit. Even if you are planning on comfortable, paved trails, wear athletic shoes that can be tightly laced across your foot - sneakers with socks that will keep your feet from scuffing. It is better to carry things and equipment in backpacks, which will allow you to free your hands and help yourself with them when moving, for example, in the mountains.
Step 4
Take care of a safe and comfortable stay - bring along polyurethane foam mats, lightweight and comfortable sleeping bags and tents. For night movement, you need flashlights, preferably those that are mounted on the forehead and again leave your hands free. Put some candles in your backpack just in case, and don't forget the matches.
Step 5
Be sure to take your first aid kit with you. You can put pills for headaches and diarrhea, dressings, iodine, tablets for water disinfection in it. If there is water near the place where you plan to set up your camp, then it is likely that uninvited guests - flocks of hungry forest mosquitoes - will arrive at your camp by the evening bonfire. Try to meet them fully armed and stock up not only with ointments and sprays, but also with special smoking spirals that operate in the open air.
Step 6
Be careful in nature, especially when you are just a beginner hiker. Do not let children go to the forest or to the water without the supervision of elders. Use an ax as little as possible - there are frequent cases of injury when chopping wood. It is quite possible to break the forest dead wood with improvised means. Do not let children play with knives and play around with a fire.