Summer's soon. Many of us leave at this time to a country cottage to relax or work on our garden plot. Fresh air, communication with nature brings us a lot of joy and an unforgettable summer experience. True, sometimes, flying insects - mosquitoes and flies - cause us inconvenience. Meanwhile, there are proven folk remedies that will save us from the annoying presence, no worse than store products.

1. A good remedy for repelling insects is a decoction of wheatgrass roots - the most common weed. Which can be found almost everywhere. 2. Plant an elderberry or several beds of tomatoes under the windows of your house. Bring freshly cut branches into the house and place them in a vase or simply spread them out so that they do not interfere with you. The smell from the branches will keep mosquitoes away. 3. Boil a samovar on pine or spruce cones and then no one will interfere with your conversation over a cup of tea on the veranda or terrace. 4. Grind dried stems and leaves of Persian, Dolmatian or Caucasian chamomile (feverfew) into powder - this damages the nerve cells of insects. Or lay out a few bunches of chamomile around the apartment. 5. To get rid of flies and mosquitoes, you can use camphor evaporated over the burner. 6. Finely chop fresh flowers and casting bird cherry or basil and place in your room. 7. Apply oils based on clove, basil, valerian, anise or eucalyptus to exposed skin (if you are not allergic). You can drop a few drops into the fireplace, fire, on a candle, or on a heated frying pan. 8. Tea tree oil can be used as a repellent. It also works well for bites. 9. Cedar nut oil repels not only mosquitoes, but also flies and cockroaches. 10. If you prepare an infusion of wormwood roots and wash your face, then not a single insect will touch your face. To do this, pour a handful of chopped roots with 1.5 liters of water, bring to a boil and let it brew.