Traveling Through The Cities Of Russia: Sights Of Vladimir

Traveling Through The Cities Of Russia: Sights Of Vladimir
Traveling Through The Cities Of Russia: Sights Of Vladimir

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In Russia, according to the census, there are more than one thousand settlements with the status of a city, but there are not so many historically significant ones among them. Vladimir is the ancient capital of North-Eastern Russia, capable of surprising any traveler, enchanting and not leaving indifferent anyone who has visited this city saturated with the original Russian spirit at least once.

Vladimir city
Vladimir city

Sights of Vladimir

The most recognizable and popular architectural object of Vladimir is undoubtedly the Golden Gate. They appeared in the city in 1164 and owe their name to the gilded copper with which they were bound. The Golden Gate in Vladimir was one of the five entrances to the city, between which a defensive rampart was built. Part of the rampart was preserved as a memorable heritage.

golden gate in vladimir
golden gate in vladimir

A short walk from the Golden Gate is the Assumption Cathedral, which is one of the greatest cathedrals in Russia. The works on the construction of the cathedral and the painting were completed in 1161. In terms of beauty and architectural design, the cathedral is practically unmatched. From historical works it is known that the chroniclers compared it with the temple of King Solomon in Jerusalem.

Assumption Cathedral Vladimir
Assumption Cathedral Vladimir

Dmitrievsky Cathedral, built around 1191, embodied all the greatness of the Vladimir principality. For the clarity and elegance of the white-stone carving that adorns the Dmitrievsky Cathedral, it is often called the "poem in stone". The strict solemnity of the cathedral will impress any connoisseur of architectural masterpieces. The Dmitrievsky Cathedral in Vladimir is located not far from the Assumption Cathedral.

dmitrievsky cathedral in vladimir
dmitrievsky cathedral in vladimir

Both cathedrals are united by the square named after them Cathedral. It is it that is considered to be the historical center of the city. Cathedral Square in Vladimir is surrounded by old buildings and monuments, which gives it a unique historical look.

Cathedral Square in Vladimir
Cathedral Square in Vladimir

One of the most beautiful and frequently visited parks in Vladimir is A. S. Pushkin. It is rightfully considered one of the favorite vacation spots for the residents of Vladimir and tourists who are not uncommon for the city. The outskirts of the park are arranged in the form of an observation deck, from which a stunning view of architectural monuments and the Klyazma River opens up.

pushkin park vladimir
pushkin park vladimir

In fact, there are an unimaginable amount of historical corners, beautiful landscapes and simply interesting places in the city. There are more than 60 churches, cathedrals and temples alone. Vladimir is a cultural and historical center, through which the well-known tourist route of the Golden Ring runs.
