What Medicines To Take With You On Vacation

What Medicines To Take With You On Vacation
What Medicines To Take With You On Vacation

Rest is associated with bright and pleasant emotions and events. But in order not to be overshadowed by illness, you need to prepare a first-aid kit in advance. Medicines for rest must be selected, focusing on the age of the vacationers and the presence of diseases.

What medicines to take with you on vacation
What medicines to take with you on vacation

Health problems at sea are difficult to predict. Doctors advise to stock up on all the necessary drugs that will help not to spoil the rest: antipyretic, antiviral, first aid, etc.

Buy antibacterial patches, cotton wool, brilliant green, bandage and hydrogen peroxide for the first aid kit. Also, when choosing which medicines to take with you on vacation, do not forget about the means to help cure burns: "Bepanten", "Pantoderm". But to avoid burns, it is better to stock up on a cream with a protective factor of 30 units or more.

Despite the heat, nobody canceled the cold. Climate change and temperature changes can often lead to colds. In order not to spoil the rest, buy antipyretic drugs (Nurofen, Paracetamol, Ibuklin, etc.), nasal drops (Galazolin, Sanorin), throat remedies (Miramistin, Faringosept ") And ear drops (" Otinum "," Otipax ").

Even on vacation, no one is safe from pain, for example, toothache or headache. The first-aid kit should contain painkillers: "Spazmalgon", "No-shpa", "Baralgin", "Analgin", etc. It is enough to purchase one of these drugs.

Do not forget about medicines for your child at sea. Stock up on antipyretic drugs for children in the form of suppositories or syrup, diarrhea suspensions, cough suppressants with expectorant and soothing properties, antiallergic drugs. And so that the baby can measure the temperature, buy a thermometer.

If you have chronic diseases (even in remission), play it safe and take medication. Climate change can lead to deterioration, especially in people with cardiovascular diseases, bronchial asthma, allergies.

Often on vacation, problems with the stomach and intestines may appear. Activated carbon, enzyme agents, preparations with antibacterial action, as well as agents for the intestinal microflora will help.
