A first aid kit is a must if you are going on vacation to other countries. It is especially important to prepare it correctly when it comes to places with a completely different climate than the one to which your body is accustomed.

Traditional set
The first step is to immediately put in the medicine cabinet everything that you use in everyday life. These can be medicines for various chronic ailments, allergies, headaches and other problems that you constantly face. It is better if you take it all with a small margin.
If you are planning an air flight or a sea trip, then do not forget about motion sickness pills. Suitable "Avia-more", "Aeron" and other means. Even if you are not allergic, it is still worth taking some allergy medication. The problem can overtake you suddenly, as a reaction to exotic foods or insect bites. It is worth taking with you, for example, something from the following list: Suprastin, Claritin or Sinaflan ointment. Don't forget about pain relievers. Here it is better to choose something that is familiar and effective for you.
An obligatory component is drugs for various digestive disorders: activated carbon, "Maalox", "Gastal" or "Rennie", "Immodium", "Festal" or other analogs. You can buy other medicines, the main thing is that the list should include something from poisoning (nothing has been invented better than activated charcoal), from indigestion or heartburn, as well as from constipation and from diarrhea.
Sea and sun
Scuba diving and swimming in the sea in Egypt runs the risk of catching a cold. Therefore, take also "Aspirin" or "Paracetamol", ear and eye drops, cough and cold remedies.
The sun in Egypt shines almost constantly, so the means for protecting the skin from ultraviolet radiation are also very important. Sunscreen and ointment after sunburn, as well as something for sunburn, such as ointment "Rescuer" or "Keeper". These ointments have other useful properties, so you should definitely take some of them with you.
Treatment of wounds and injuries
Such familiar and simple things as a set of adhesive plasters, a sterile bandage, antiseptic wipes and cotton swabs can be purchased in any country, but you always need to have a complete set of all this with you, at least in the smallest quantities. Put in a medicine cabinet and an antiseptic to treat abrasions and lubricate insect bites. This can be an iodine stick, hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine (the latter two differ in that they are odorless and colorless).
Additionally you may need
If you feel unwell, a thermometer can help determine your symptoms. Remember that mercury thermometers and liquids larger than 130 ml cannot be carried in carry-on baggage. People who have difficulties with blood pressure should not forget about the tonometer.
The fair sex should definitely take personal hygiene items with them. Even if menstruation is not expected during vacation, the cycle can get lost due to a sharp climate change.
Insurance is better than antibiotics
The point about whether to take antibiotics with you is controversial. The point is, it is not so easy to diagnose yourself if you are not a doctor to determine if you need an antiviral or anti-inflammatory medication. And you yourself will not be able to set the duration of the course. Therefore, to be sure of your own safety, do not forget about health insurance. Only a qualified doctor will be able to prescribe the correct treatment.