What Medicines To Take On The Road

What Medicines To Take On The Road
What Medicines To Take On The Road

Going on vacation, most imagine only a pleasant pastime on the beach, interesting excursions and climbing to mountain peaks. Nevertheless, it is worth taking care that your plans are not spoiled by a sudden onset of illness. Competently collecting a first-aid kit, you will be able to cope with most of the ailments that threaten a tourist.

What medicines to take on the road
What medicines to take on the road

Rest begins from the minute you boarded the plane, settled comfortably with a book on the carriage shelf, or took your place in the car. If your journey involves long journeys, make sure to carry an anti-motion sickness medication with you. These can be drugs such as Bonin or Dromina. Please note that you need to take them some time before you use the transport.

Those traveling to hot countries, in addition to sun cream, should stock up on the drug "Panthenol". If you have pale skin and burn frequently, you will need this remedy during the first days of your vacation.

In a foreign country, you want to see as many sights and interesting places as possible, but there is too little time for this. To prevent your legs from getting sick after the first excursion, put a plaster in the first aid kit. Brilliant green or iodine will also not interfere with the treatment of cuts and abrasions.

A foreign country is also a local cuisine, often significantly different from the one you are used to. To get acquainted with it painlessly, it is worth taking preparations containing enzymes in their composition - "Festal", "Mezim", "Pancreatin". In case of poisoning, you should stock up on Smecta or activated carbon.

If you have chronic illnesses, climate change can make them worse. Be sure to take with you the pills that you use during bouts of illness.

It is difficult to predict all the ailments that may happen to you during your vacation. It will not be superfluous to have broad-spectrum antibiotics in the first-aid kit, which will help you in case of many diseases. These are "Tsiprolet", "Azitrox", "Recipro".

When collecting a first-aid kit on the road, put in it the drugs that you are used to using and whose effectiveness you are sure of. A foreign city or country is not the best place to experiment with new drugs.
