China is an ancient country, the civilization of which is more than 5 thousand years old. China owns 4 great inventions of mankind: paper, gunpowder, compass and typography. The number of ancient temples, pagodas, mausoleums, architectural monuments is simply enormous. Some of the ancient architectural monuments are included in the UNESCO list.

Palaces, temples, tombs and pagodas of the Middle Kingdom
Ancient China's architecture has evolved over the millennia. During such a colossal time, the architects of the Celestial Empire created an infinite number of the most diverse architectural structures. To date, 99 historical cities, 750 unique cultural monuments and 119 landscape sites are open for tourists.
Lovers of ancient Chinese architecture will certainly be interested in the Forbidden City, located in the capital of China - Beijing. The Forbidden City is the largest surviving palace complex of the Gugun Imperial Palace in the world, dating back to the 15th century. Monolithic, majestic structure. The complex consists of 9 thousand historical buildings.
Historical museums are open in many buildings, where tourists can get acquainted with numerous exhibits. These are imperial treasures, watch collections, the most ancient ceramics, bronze items, funerary statues.
Most of the wooden palaces and temples were destroyed by fires and wars. Only the Forbidden City survived, which can often be seen in Chinese films.
Of particular interest is the architecture of the Qiang Tang Park, which houses 13 tombs of the emperors of the Ming dynasty.
It should be noted that the architecture of ancient China was influenced by India and Buddhism. Therefore, the pagodas of the Middle Kingdom resemble the tower-like temples of India. Buddhist pagodas served as repositories for relics, statues and canon books.
In Beijing, you can also visit the world famous Temple of Heaven - "Tiantan", built in 1420. The famous Huinbi is located here, which translates as "The Wall of Returning Sound".
"Round City" Tuancheng with the Chengguandian Pavilion - "Pavilion of Reflected Radiance". The ancient architecture of the Celestial Empire, undoubtedly, can also be attributed to Tszyulongbi - "The Wall of Nine Dragons".
Of no less interest is the Yonghegong Buddhist Temple, the Kunmyo Confucius Temple, the Baiyunguan Lao Temple located northeast of Beihai Park.
One of the most ancient Chinese bridges, Lugoqiao, which is also called the Marco Polo Bridge, can undoubtedly be attributed to the architectural monuments of the Celestial Empire. The time of the construction of the bridge dates back to 1189.
In Guangzhou City, you can visit the Guantasi and Huaiseng Mosques, Zhenhai Pagoda and the Six Fig Tree Temple. Wooden pagodas reach a height of 50 m and amaze with their mathematical precision. Some pagodas are up to 900 years old.
In Tibet, you can visit the Yokhan Temple, Patala Palace - the residence of the Dalai Lama - and the legendary Shaolin monasteries.
The great Wall of China
The Great Wall of China belongs to the monuments of fortress architecture. Its construction began in the 4th-3rd centuries. BC. In turbulent times, when the Chinese states had to defend themselves against the attacks of northern nomads. The length of the Great Wall of China exceeds 3000 thousand km. Approximately every 200 m there are quadrangular watchtowers decorated with embrasures. The average height of the wall is 7.5 m, the width along the ridge is 5.5 m.
If you are planning to relax in the Middle Kingdom, be sure to visit this unique monument of fortress architecture. The cost of tours to China from Moscow is from 998 USD. Rest in the Middle Kingdom will not leave you indifferent.