Our ancestors were afraid of lightning and thunder, believing that this is God's punishment. But modern man understands that this is a dangerous natural phenomenon and it can lead to serious consequences and even death. During a thunderstorm, several safety rules must be followed to avoid being struck by lightning.

Thunderstorms often gather for a long time, and the first flashes of lightning are visible before they become dangerous. You can independently calculate the distance to the elements by counting the pause between lightning and thunder: 1 second - 400 meters. To protect yourself from lightning, you need to assess the safety of the location and do everything to hide in a safe place.
If you stay at home during a thunderstorm, there is little to worry about. Ball lightning can pose the only danger. Check that all vents and windows are closed, disconnect electrical appliances from the mains. Remember to move away from batteries, sinks, and other metal objects.
Thunderstorms are a frequent companion of hot days, and many spend this time on water bodies. If you are in a pond, river or lake, get ashore immediately. Even if a thunderstorm does not strike a person, a fatal discharge will spread over the entire surface of the water.
Better to stop and wait out the elements. If you have closed the doors and raised the windows, you are not afraid of lightning. It is also best to lower the antenna, do not touch the door handles or use the telephone.
To prevent lightning from being dangerous in the field, wait out the thunderstorm in the lowland, where there are no bushes and stones. It is advisable to sit down and take cover, remove bracelets, earrings, rings and chains from the body, do not use the phone.
The most common delusion is to protect yourself under tall, detached trees. But this cannot be done, because they often become the target of lightning. Poplar and oak are especially dangerous, as they conduct electric current better than others. Lightning is much less likely to hit linden, spruce and larch.
If you are in a crowd outside, try to get out of it. The distance between people should be more than 10 meters. Also try to stay away from bus stops and bicycles.