Thunderstorms are a common occurrence, occurring almost everywhere. Of course, modern man knows that thunder and lightning is a common natural phenomenon, and not a punishment for sins sent by the god of thunder. But you should not forget about safety precautions, because the probability of death when struck by lightning is very high.

stones, spruce branches, dry clothes, polyethylene, branches, car
Step 1
Once under a thunderstorm front in nature, you should follow a number of safety measures. When in the forest, do not hide under tall, lonely trees, especially if they are oaks, poplars or pines. Try to find undersized trees with dense crowns for cover. If a thunderstorm finds you in the mountains, do not stay closer than 3-8 meters from high vertical plumb lines.
Step 2
The water surface itself does not attract lightning discharges, they are attracted by objects towering above the water, including the heads of bathers. Therefore, if during a thunderstorm you find yourself in the water, immediately go ashore. While on a sailboat or boat, lower the mast, and if this is not possible, ground it to the water through an oar or keel. When fishing, fold or remove your fishing rods.
Step 3
When in an open area, seek shelter in a dry ditch, pit, or ravine. If you are on a hill, go down to the bottom. You should not lie down on the ground and expose your whole body to a lightning strike; it is better to sit down in a group, bend your back, lower your head to your legs bent at the knees, it is better to connect your feet together. To isolate from the soil, put stones, spruce branches, clothes, polyethylene, branches, etc. under you. Place all metal objects 15-20 meters away from you.
Step 4
If you are under a thunderstorm in a car, do not get out of it. You need to move off a hill, stop away from power lines and tall trees, and turn off the engine. Close the car windows, lower the radio antenna and try not to touch the metal parts of the car. If you ride a bike in the city, then getting off it during a thunderstorm is not necessary, but in open or rural areas, it is better to leave the saddle of the bike.
Step 5
If a ball lightning has flown into your room, you should not run away from it or make sudden movements. Try not to touch metal objects, throw improvised objects into the ball, or wave your hands. Try, if possible, to leave, without making sudden movements, to another room. If the lightning reacts to movement, lie on the floor, covering your head and neck with your hands.