What Is A Compass

What Is A Compass
What Is A Compass

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A compass is a device that hardly anyone uses in everyday life. More often, it is needed by tourists who prefer active rest, as well as sailors and pilots. There are several types of compass, and they all have a fundamental difference.

What is a compass
What is a compass


Step 1

The simplest option is a magnetic compass. This device indicates the direction of travel relative to the cardinal points. The principle of operation is based on the interaction of a magnet in the compass with the earth's magnetic field.

Step 2

Initially, the compass was used to make it easier to navigate the desert. The simplest device consisted of a magnet that was attached to a box and then to a vessel of water. Then the compass was equipped with a special dial, which was located in the center of the box, and an arrow was made of a magnet.

Step 3

The arrow rotates around its axis and stands along the force guides of the magnetic field, towards the North Pole. Perpendicular lines on the dial indicate the cardinal directions - north, south, east, west. One end of the arrow points north and the other points south.

Step 4

The electromagnetic compass is designed according to the principle of an electric generator and consists of several frames with windings. Its main difference from a magnetic compass is the absence of dependence on currents that affect the operation of the device and distort the indicators. The main field of application of the electromagnetic compass is aviation.

Step 5

One of the most complex devices is perhaps the gyrocompass. Its readings are not related to magnetic, but to geographic poles. The gyrocompass serves as a reference navigation device in steering systems in ships, and it is also used to accurately target a ship's combat weapon to a target.

Step 6

As a rule, travelers use a compass along with a map - they compare directions on the map with the terrain. Knowing how to use a compass is an important skill for a tourist. The device helps to choose the most profitable path, to reach the intended goal, trains visual memory and observation.
