How To Fix A Tent On Ice

How To Fix A Tent On Ice
How To Fix A Tent On Ice

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A winter tent is the best option for fishing at any time of the day. But it must be properly fixed on the ice. Even the most expensive and modern tent, which is not fixed correctly, will not be able to save the fisherman from the cold and wind.

How to fix a tent on ice
How to fix a tent on ice

It is necessary

  • - screwdrivers,
  • - ice screw,
  • - improvised means


Step 1

In order to anchor the tent on the ice, a smooth wall, which is the case with most tents, is required to be erected on the leeward side. Thus, the possibility of strong frosty winds is excluded, and it also increases the stability of the tent on the ice, avoiding unnecessary windage.

Step 2

Conventionally, winter tents for fishing are divided into two types: for long-term and for short-term fishing. There are several options for fixing your winter tent on the ice.

Step 3

You can use ordinary 200 nails and a hammer, but there are some nuances … Firstly, thin ice pierces the nail through and then does not hold the structure well. Secondly, there is a chance to scare away the fish. Thirdly, the nails remain in the ice and further spoil the drill.

Step 4

Therefore, the best option is to use a screwdriver. They crash into the ice easily, without any problems. Their length is 15 cm, which makes it suitable for use in any winter time.

Step 5

In cases where weather conditions create some obstacles, for example, strong gusty winds, severe frost, and there were no additional devices with you, you can use an ice screw. It is necessary to drill a hole on the leeward side and fasten the top of the tent to the handle of the ice screw. It should be borne in mind that having drilled a hole to the water, especially in severe frost, one cannot exclude the possibility that the ice screw will freeze into the ice.

Step 6

At the time of installation, it is necessary to remember that the lower skirt of the winter tent must be covered with snow. In the event that there is little or no snow on the ice, it is better to use the means at hand. For example, sticks, stones from the shore, bottles or plastic bags filled with water. In extreme cases, you can moisten the skirt of the tent with water, so that it is firmly fixed on the ice.
