In Russia, there are several types of passenger cars, which differ from each other in the number of seats provided in them and the degree of comfort. There is also a significant difference in the cost of travel in a particular carriage, even as part of one train.

Seated car
The seated carriage is equipped with seats only for passengers. The seats can be either hard or soft, reminiscent of airplane seats. Unlike the train cars, the seated carriage has two toilets located next to the vestibules. It also has a compartment for conductors. By the level of comfort and the number of seats, cars of this type are divided into three classes: economy class (from 63 to 68 seats), business class (43 seats) and first class cars (10 seats).
Econom-class train
The plazkart carriage consists of 9 compartments of the compartment type, which are not fenced off from the common corridor. The compartments are equipped with folding tables and 6 shelves, three on each side. Four shelves (lower and middle) are for passengers, and the two upper ones are used for baggage. In addition, there is additional space for bags under the lower shelves. Opposite each compartment are side seats. A total of 54 berths in a reserved seat carriage, 36 of which are in compartments, 18 are on the side along the train.
Common carriage
In appearance, the common carriage is no different from the reserved seat, but it does not provide berths, the upper shelves are used only for storing luggage, the lower ones accommodate passengers, three people on each shelf.
Compartment carriage
Each compartment in the carriage is fenced off from the corridor by a door and is designed for four passengers. It is equipped with four shelves for sleeping, a table, a ceiling lamp, and a reading night light, which are built into the walls next to each shelf. For storage, there is free space under the lower shelves and a niche above the door. There is a mirror on the inside of the compartment door.
Like most carriages intended for the passage of passengers from one city to another, the compartment carriage has two toilets with washbasins and water heaters. Also at the beginning of the car there is a two-seater compartment for the conductors.
Sleeping car "SV"
This type of carriage is characterized by increased comfort. It also has nine separate compartments, but each compartment has only two berths. All the shelves in the compartment are soft and have a soft back. In addition to reading lamps, a plafond on the ceiling and a table, there are often TVs or other equipment in the compartment. Toilets in such cars meet all modern requirements: there is a mixer on the washbasins, and the toilet seats have a hygienic film.
Lux class carriage
The carriage of this class has only four compartments, each of which is designed for one or two passengers. Coupes may differ in furnishings and layouts. Most of them have a double bed, wardrobe, TV and shower.