Although the plane is the safest transport, accidents still happen with it. But with the right choice of a seat on the plane, the chances of survival increase significantly.

When we hear a "plane crash", scary pictures from the news feeds appear in our memory, which are always impressive and terrifying. All this suggests that there is no chance of surviving a plane crash. However, this is not at all the case. In more than 90% of cases, there are survivors, and in order to get among them, you need to try to follow certain rules and choose a place wisely.
Comfort is not always safety
The entire aircraft can be conditionally divided into.
In the front part, next to the cockpit, there are business class seats. They are the most comfortable and comfortable, in addition, the noise of the engine is the least disturbing here for passengers (due to the greatest distance from it). However, all statistical studies show that. Most accidents happen when an airliner lands. In this case, the greatest impact falls just on the bow, as well as in the case of a collision or departure from the runway (runway).
Seven years ago, a special experiment was even carried out on the territory of Mexico. For this, a Boeing-727 was used, which had an accident. All kinds of sensors and cameras were installed in the plane, and mannequins took the seats of the passengers. So the experiment showed that the greatest physical injuries and overloads were received by the “passengers” of the business class, if there were people there, they would not have survived. And these places are not only more comfortable, but also correspondingly more expensive. So convenience and service do not mean safety at all, and in this case, quite the opposite.

Under the wing of an airplane …
The survival rate is not much higher in the central part of the aircraft. The same Boeing study showed that. However, there is another serious danger here -. Their volume in Boeing is approaching 200 thousand liters, and in some Airbus models it exceeds 300 thousand liters. And in the event of an emergency, there is the possibility of a fire that can spread to the passenger compartment and ultimately lead to an explosion.
The earth in the window is visible
Many people prefer to buy plane tickets to their seats at the windows in order to be able to observe the opening views. However, this harmless desire can be dangerous for some people. The fact is that these places most limit a person's mobility during flight, which increases. The risk group includes overweight people, the elderly, cancer patients, as well as those who have recently undergone surgery.
Uncomfortable tail
The most inconvenient places in any aircraft are those located in its tail section. It is quite crowded here, there is no way to stretch your legs, and sometimes even lower the chair, and besides, there are toilets nearby. However, from a security point of view, exactly. Most accidents happen during takeoff or landing. And in this case, when the aircraft falls, the greatest impact will fall on the nose, and its "tail" due to depreciation will suffer the least. Statistics confirm that the largest percentage of survivors falls on the tail section of the aircraft.

Rules are important
What could be more boring than rules? Most passengers hardly listen to the instructions given by the crew before the flight, especially those who fly frequently. Few people think it will come in handy. Meanwhile, experience shows that non-observance can be dangerous regardless of the chosen place and even cost life. Therefore, listening to flight attendants is always very important, especially in extreme situations, when even the most experienced passenger may experience panic and confusion.
It is also better to count and memorize the number of rows before exiting, because in the event of a fire, the time for safe evacuation will be 1.5-2 minutes, and it will be difficult to do this with a lot of smoke. You should never neglect the team, even if the plane only enters the turbulence zone. There is a high likelihood of injury.
As world experience shows, the most dangerous seats on the plane are by no means the cheapest, and the safest ones are far from comfortable. What to choose? Everyone decides for himself.