Passengers, when checking in when boarding a plane, try to choose those seats that are more familiar or comfortable to them. But what are the thoughts of those who choose the seats that are considered the safest in the cabin? Such places do exist, and the statistics of plane crashes confirm this.

Seats in the front of the cabin
The front seats in the aircraft cabin have always been considered the most comfortable. It is they who are referred to the VIP class zone. But such a solid status does not make them the safest. If you believe the global statistics of plane crashes, then such places are ranked second in terms of safety. Although, of course, in terms of comfort, they are in the lead, since they are farthest from the aircraft engines. But as they say, comfort and safety are not the same thing.
Seats in the middle of the cabin
The seats in the center of the aircraft cabin are dangerously close to its wing. Why "dangerous"? Because it is in the wing that the aviation fuel is located, which, in the event of an unforeseen situation, immediately ignites. Considering this factor, the middle seats in the cabin can be confidently considered the most dangerous. Moreover, according to the same statistics, the number of victims who sat in the front and middle parts of the aircraft is approximately the same. Thus, the level of safety of places in these zones is approximately the same.
Seats in the tail of the aircraft cabin
It is generally accepted that the seats in the tail of the aircraft are the safest. And there are reasons for this. After all, most plane crashes happen when the plane takes off or lands. Considering that the nose of the aircraft goes down during landing, then it will be on it that the main blow will fall. Therefore, passengers who choose the front seats will suffer the most. In this case, those who sit at the end of the cabin have a better chance of survival.
Imagine a different situation when the plane exited the runway and hit the wall of the nearest building with its nose. In this situation, the front part of the passenger compartment is the first to suffer. Behind it, the middle part and wings are damaged. Fuel flows out of them and ignites. In this situation, the tail of the aircraft will be the least affected. But again, it is not a fact that it will happen that way. After all, disasters are different.
Emergency exit seats
An example of a different situation: there was a plane crash, but the aircraft body itself was practically not damaged. All passengers are alive. At the same time, a fire occurs in the cabin, it is filled with black and poisonous smoke, from which you can simply suffocate. This development of events will provoke panic among passengers. But only those closest to the emergency exit will be able to be the first to leave the plane. In such a situation, it is they who have the most chances to stay alive.
What are the safest seats on the plane
Considering all factors, it is possible to consider places of increased level of safety in an aircraft as those located in the tail of the aircraft, next to the emergency exit. Of course, if the plane suddenly falls from a height of ten kilometers, then, wherever the passengers sit, nothing will help them. But such a development of the situation is extremely rare. Moreover, if the engines fail, the plane will not just fall like a stone. He will glide on air currents, rapidly sinking to the ground.
In most cases, disasters happen at the time of takeoff or landing. This means that people in the front of the cabin have almost no chance of survival. But those who sit in the tail, they all have them. If there is also an emergency exit nearby, then the chances are even greater. To understand this, you just need to look at the official statistics for the survival rate of plane crashes. Most of those who survived were in the rear of the plane.
However, catastrophic situations in the air are so rare that there is no point in worrying about it. Therefore, do not panic if you were unable to purchase tickets to the safest seats on the aircraft.