Each passenger of a long-distance train needs to know their rights and, if necessary, be able to defend them. You will be surprised, but they are not limited to the right to have toilet paper in the bathroom and boiling water in the boiler.

Step 1
Please note: a huge number of people travel by train from time to time, but, unfortunately, not everyone of them knows that having a ticket on his hands gives him the right not only to get from point A to point B. In fact in accordance with the "Rules for the carriage of passengers by rail" such a person has sufficient rights and obligations.
During your entire trip, you have the right to a comfortable stay at the place you paid for. It means that you can sleep not only at night, but when you wish - no one has the right to forbid you to make the bed. If we are talking about the bed, then you have every right not to collect bedding in front of your station - this must be done by the conductor. Moreover, you can ask him to make a bed for you if, for some reason, you cannot do it yourself.
Step 2
Know: you have the right to ask the conductor to make the music in the carriage quieter, and also to draw his attention to the fact that, despite the ban on smoking on long-distance trains, some irresponsible persons still smoke in the vestibule. The conductor, at your request, should take measures even if someone in his carriage went over alcohol - by the way, prohibited for consumption on the train - and by his violent behavior interferes with other passengers. If you or your child have bought a ticket to the top shelf, then you can ask the conductor for special seat belts. Even if he does not have them, they are sure to be in other cars - you just need to convince him to go for them.
Step 3
Imagine that when you board a long-distance train, you find that your seat, according to the ticket you bought, is already occupied by another passenger, and he also has a ticket to that seat. It is not you two who should sort out this controversial situation, but the conductor and the head of the train. You have the right to get another seat on the same train, and if it is a more comfortable and more expensive seat, then you do not have to pay extra for it. If you were provided with a less convenient seat, the ticket for which is cheaper than yours, then demand that you return the difference in the fare.
Let's say you fell behind the train and he left for the blue distance, taking your things in one of the carriages. Do not panic, but urgently seek out the station master. He will promptly contact the head of that station on the route of your train, the parking lot at which will be at least 10 minutes - during this time your belongings will have time to be removed from the train. You have the right to take the next train to this station absolutely free of charge and collect your belongings.
If by some miracle you got on the wrong train, then if you have an act drawn up by its chief, you can return to the point of departure free of charge. You also have the same right if you have passed your station - for example, the conductor did not wake you up in advance.
Step 4
Remember that you have the right to have the conductor wake you up about half an hour before the train arrives at your station. Whatever the conductor himself says about it, this is actually included in his job duties - you can familiarize yourself with their full list in the job description of the conductor of a long-distance train, which should be posted next to his compartment. Moreover, during their working hours, the staff of Russian Railways trains must be friendly - if the conductor is rude to you, you have every right to complain about him to the train chief, who will immediately take action.