The question of what to do with the child on the road, arises before every family who is planning a long trip. For children of different ages, their own entertainment is suitable, the main thing is to think over them in advance.

The younger the child, the more likely it is that he will oversleep the main part of the journey. It is especially easy for parents of babies in the car and on the train, which in themselves lull the babies. While the baby is awake, it would be good to store mobiles, toys with quiet sounds, teethers, etc.
For children over a year old and under two, it is important to move more often during the trip so that the limbs do not become numb. On the plane and on the train, you can spend time walking along the aisle; when traveling by car, you need to make frequent stops with the opportunity to run and jump. The rest of the time, the situation will be saved by coloring books with crayons (wax crayons or felt-tip pens are undesirable, as they stain the environment and neighbors), albums with stickers, tablets with cartoons, new books. All this is useful for the entertainment of older children. Naturally, books and coloring books should be chosen according to age. Preschoolers and younger students can also listen to audiobooks so as not to spoil their eyes at the screen or in an attempt to read a book shaking on the road.
Board games will also help to keep the child busy on a long journey. You need to buy a couple of sets in advance, which fit in a small box and are suitable for playing as two or three or a larger company. At the same time, you should not take games with small details or requiring accuracy and coordination. Economy option - games from childhood: sea battle, tic-tac-toe, dots, etc. All of them require only checkered leaves and pens.
It is worth alternating such entertainments with oral games. You can remember all words for a certain letter, continue associative rows, play “Cities” with older children, and simplify the rules with younger ones and name any words according to the same principle. And if everyone is already tired - it is worth declaring a game of silence. The main thing is that the child is busy - and everyone around is happy.