How To Apply For A Visa At The Embassy

How To Apply For A Visa At The Embassy
How To Apply For A Visa At The Embassy

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Different countries have their own procedure for issuing visas, you need to find out about the details of obtaining a visa for the country you want to visit on the website of the consular departments. However, there are general principles on how to get a visa yourself.

How to apply for a visa at the embassy
How to apply for a visa at the embassy


Step 1

The easiest way to get any visa is by purchasing a tour from a travel agency. In most cases, the travel agency takes over the entire organization. For most consulates, the personal presence of a tourist is optional, although there are exceptions. For example, obtaining a US visa is made only after a personal interview with a consular officer.

Step 2

If you are traveling on your own, not as part of a tourist group, then you need to provide the consulate with the documents that serve as the basis for issuing a visa. This can be a confirmation of hotel reservation (on letterhead and with a seal), air tickets with dates of arrival and departure. If you are traveling by private invitation. It is necessary to bring its original or a copy. The invitation must include your name, length of stay, and confirmation that the inviting party will provide you with accommodation. For those traveling on a business trip, it is necessary to present an invitation from a business partner or from an organization (for example, an exhibition company or conference organizers).

Step 3

Most consulates offer to fill out a questionnaire. They are usually filled out in the language of the country or in Russian or Latin. Some countries have extensive questions that require quite personal questions - for example, the mother's maiden name and her place of residence or the place of work of the next of kin. Other countries are interested in standard information - name, surname, passport number, date of birth. Many countries now provide the ability to fill out the questionnaire online, and in this case, the processing of the request is faster.

Step 4

Some consulates ask to bring old passports, which contain previously issued visas and border crossing marks. The package of documents must include medical insurance. Without it, a visa will most likely not be issued. Most insurance companies offer life and health insurance programs for tourists abroad.

Step 5

You need to pay the consular fee. Different countries have their own cost of the consular fee, but on average it is 30-50 euros.
