Being late for the plane is a rather unpleasant event. Especially if you missed the flight, which was supposed to move you to the coveted island in the ocean, so long-awaited after several months of work. In order to avoid this, it is worth having some information in service.

Air carriage regulations
Believe me, none of the airline employees who close the boarding gate just a minute before your arrival is motivated by personal antipathy towards you. Each of them only complies with strict regulations that determine the success and safety of air transport. Any airport is a link in a huge network spread all over the world. And even if you fly from a small town where only a few flights are performed during the day, this does not mean that there are more loyal regimes here.
Violation of the aircraft departure mode can lead to various failures in the overall operation of the entire air transportation system. These can be shifts in the departure schedule of other flights, as well as the occurrence of unsafe situations in the air, when the paths of the aircraft in flight may intersect. Each ticket indicates the time of boarding, start and end of check-in. You can find yourself in front of a closed boarding gate in two cases: if you did not manage to check in on time, or if you, being at the airport, missed the boarding time for any reason.
Passenger check-in for the flight usually starts 2, in some companies 3 hours before departure. Many carriers offer a very convenient option - online check-in through the airline's website. This service allows you to check-in 24, and sometimes 48 hours before departure. At the same time, it is possible to select a seat on board the aircraft in advance. Also, after online check-in, you can immediately print your boarding passes. Upon arrival at the airport, you will only need to drop off your luggage.
What if the boarding gate is closed in front of you?
First of all, don't panic. Do not let your emotions get the best in this situation, they can only harm. Attempts to prove their case are unlikely to help, and in some countries they may end up in proceedings at the police station. Talk to the airline staff on duty, maybe you can still soften their hearts and they will let you on board. If persuasion did not help, then find out when there will be the next flight on which you can fly. You may have to pay a certain amount.
A couple of helpful tips
Try to postpone all urgent matters on the day of departure. Think over the route to the airport, taking into account possible traffic jams. If your city has an Aeroexpress train, use it, it is safer. If possible, register online - if the airline employees see you in the list of those who have passed the registration, they will wait until the last. While at the airport, listen carefully to the announcements. 10-12 hours before departure, check if there are any changes in the schedule, especially if you are flying on a charter flight. Do not put in luggage or take with you items prohibited for carriage, this will help to avoid unnecessary problems and delays. Study the airline's rules carefully!