Is The Black Sea Clean?

Is The Black Sea Clean?
Is The Black Sea Clean?

The Black Sea cannot be considered clean. Marine life in it is under serious threat. And this is not surprising. The Pontic Sea, as it was called in the old days, is one-sixth of the Mediterranean in area. Four times as many rivers flow into it than into other seas in the region. And these rivers are heavily polluted.

The Black Sea is under severe threat of pollution
The Black Sea is under severe threat of pollution

Dolphin pestilence and human poisoning

In July 2012, a huge number of dolphin deaths were witnessed, the corpses of which were found on the shores of the Black Sea and in the water. According to zoologist Konstantin Andromonov, this number of deaths is due to a virus that occurs every 20 years. He also notes that the mortality rate of marine animals is constantly increasing. Other experts point to the pollution of the water in the sea. There are many cases of bathers poisoning every year. This is usually attributed to eating problems. According to Olga Noskovets, an environmentalist and activist from the city of Sochi, the authorities are simply hiding the truth. The water in the sea is contaminated.

What is the reason for the pollution of the Black Sea

The natural structure of the Black Sea is not conducive to the growth and development of fauna and flora in it. Deeper than 150-200 meters, marine life is absent due to the toxic gas hydrogen sulfide.

87 percent of the sea water contains no oxygen. And in recent years, its number has dropped significantly.

During the first international conference on the Black and Marmara Seas, held in April 2008 in Istanbul, the honorary chairman of the Turmepa civil movement in Turkey noted that in 50 years the number of fish species in the Black Sea has halved.

About 90 percent of pollution comes from industrial and domestic waste. Most of the waste comes to the sea from the Dnieper, Dniester and Danuba. The main culprit is Europe, which dumps household and industrial waste at Danubu. Wastewater discharged into the sea by Turkey causes a lot of harm.

Black Sea clean-up project

The European Union has organized a project called PERSEUS, the main goal of which is to purify the waters of the Black and Mediterranean Seas by 2020. Compared to many other seas, the Black and Mediterranean seas are closed. This is a big problem because the water cycle in such seas is slower, which contributes to their faster pollution.

Emptying waste can lead to high concentrations of mercury, cadmium, zinc, lead and waste water. Large quantities of gasoline are dumped into the sea by motor ships. Pollution occurs as a result of the extraction and spreading of oil, natural gas and minerals.

As a result of overfishing in the seas, there is a shortage of fish. In combination with human activities, climate change can lead to irreparable consequences.

The seas play a huge role in human life. They generate most of the oxygen that humans breathe, regulate the climate, feed, serve as a source of energy and provide an opportunity to rest on their shores.

The goal of the project is to return the seas to a healthy and clean state with the help of scientifically developed methods and the combined efforts of the neighboring countries of the European Union and other states.
