Own house by the sea is the dream of many residents of megalopolises and office workers, a rest from the hustle and bustle and noise in a quiet paradise. Is this always true. Any subject of discussion always has two sides - its pros and cons.

The advantages of permanent residence by the sea. Beautiful landscapes and landscapes of natural origin. Ecology and climate contribute to the restoration of health. Plenty of sun and warmth during the beach season. A beautiful tan lasts almost all year round. The proximity of the location of sanatoriums and health resorts. The opportunity to spend a free vacation by the sea without leaving home, and save on the purchase of tourist vouchers. The presence of organic and natural fruits and vegetables in the diet. The possibility of earning money by renting out a dwelling for vacationers, organizing your own hotel or events for tourist walks.
A calmer and more measured life by the sea, less stressful situations and less pace of life. New acquaintances in the beach season, a lot of entertainment events, concerts and shows. The ability to grow your own vegetables and fruits of exotic varieties on your own plot near the house.
Disadvantages of permanent living by the sea. Seasonal rhythm of life of the population, employment, income, activity. Great demand for the purchase of real estate in the immediate vicinity of the coast. Overpriced apartments with sea views. During the holiday season, a large influx of visitors and vacationers leads to an increase in food prices, creates a turmoil and congestion of city transport. It is necessary to adapt to high humidity in winter, for some people for several years. Difficulties of movement for hypertensive patients who react to pressure drops in places of ascents and descents of transport in mountainous areas. Lack of snowy winters with fluffy air snow.
Income and earnings are present only during the beach season; in winter, life near the seashore stops until spring. Therefore, the season itself is spent in active work, not rest. Constantly living by the sea, there comes a moment when attention switches to other aspects of life, and the sea is simply not noticed, it is simply present and everything.
By purchasing real estate on the seashore, you acquire increased communication with relatives, friends and acquaintances who will rush to visit. The beach season is a mountain of garbage after vacationers, queues for groceries, crowding in transport, additional supervision and control of the movement of children to school and around the village. Additional burden on medical facilities during the peak beach season. Lack of well-paid and permanent work, except for large cities on the coast.
When choosing a permanent place of residence, you should take into account many factors that affect the mode of work, training, movement in transport, weather conditions, and time for rest. Only due to the difference in living conditions in a big city and on the seashore, you can appreciate the positive and negative qualities of your own home on the coast. After all, you can live on the coast and not see the sea.