Getting lost in the forest is easy enough, but there is no way to get out. Therefore, you need to carefully look for the clues of the forest. In addition, you need to prepare very carefully for such a trip. And then the problem of how to find a way out of the forest will not be so difficult.

- -compass;
- -map;
- -national signs.
Step 1
Even before going into the forest, simplify your task - download a map of the area where you are going to go from the Internet. On it, plot your suggested route. Locate rivers, lakes, streams and settlements. So it will be easier for you to look for a road from the forest - you will already roughly understand in which direction you need to move.
Step 2
Take either a GPS navigator or a compass with you. The latter option will be more reliable, since communication with a satellite in the middle of a dense forest may simply not be found. The compass must be in good working order. Even if you have very little idea of how to work with it, in a critical situation you can at least try to understand where you are. And try to find your way, according to the instructions of this device. The main thing is, when entering the forest, do not forget to look at which side of the world your device points to.
Step 3
If you do not have a compass, but you are well versed in the cardinal points, then you can try to analyze indirect signs in order to get out on the road you need using them. Determine where you are by the position of the sun. After all, everyone knows that it rises at sunrise and sits in the west. Also add the observation of moss to this. It is usually located on the north side of the tree. Also, the branches of trees will help you - more spreading ones point to the south.
Step 4
When walking in one direction through the forest, be sure to remember the very vivid elements of the landscape. These include hills, streams, ravines, and ditches. They will help you find your way back out of the forest. In addition, try to remember the direction in which you were moving.
Step 5
Listen carefully for sounds coming from the side. You may soon be able to make out the noise of the road and the traffic passing along it. But do not immediately delude yourself that the exit from the forest is already close. After all, there is a certain distance at which sound is carried from the object. So, for example, the sounds of a passing train can be carried 10 km from the railway, a car whistle can be heard 2-3 km away, and a person's scream can be heard 1-1.5 km away.