International tourism is a very widespread phenomenon for the last fifty years. It means visiting any country in which you do not live permanently, for the sake of entertainment, sightseeing, recreation or expanding your horizons.

There are a number of nuances in international tourism. When you leave for a neighboring country, working on a contract for six months will no longer be tourism. If you live in Turkey for a couple of years, having fun every day, you also cannot be called an international tourist. Staying in the country for more than a year is equivalent to permanent residence. A tourist is still a traveler. But it doesn't matter how you will travel: by plane, by boat, on foot or by bicycle.
Ancient merchants can be called the first travelers. Silk and spice traders traveled thousands of kilometers to reach their final destination. During the Great Geographical Discoveries, daredevils rushed off to find new lands and discover unexplored sea routes. Traveling in those days was a dangerous occupation, for which one could easily pay with his life.
And only at the beginning of the 20th century, tourism becomes a mass phenomenon. Thanks to technological advances, people have been able to move around the world by rail and by high-speed ships and aircraft. Travel became more comfortable and faster.
In the sphere of economics, tourism has begun to play an increasingly significant role.
In recent years, relatively new types of international tourism have appeared: extreme tourism, health tourism, business tourism and student tourism. People travel not only to see new countries, but also for the thrill of learning a foreign language or yoga or treatment in Ayurvedic clinics. All this is also called international tourism.
In Russia, international tourism has become a mass phenomenon only after the abolition of the Iron Curtain. You don't have to be a millionaire for the world to open up in front of you. The development of mass media makes it possible to travel without booking expensive hotels. It is enough to find a person on the Internet who will provide you with their own shelter in exchange for the same service. A huge number of airlines offer significant discounts on flights, and you no longer have to save several years for a trip to the other side of the world. The world is open as never before, and the number of fans of international tourism is growing every year.