The history of natural monuments sometimes hides amazing facts about their formation, discovery and moments of existence. Kerepakupai Meru is the authentic name of the famous Angel Falls.

This natural monument of Venezuela is the highest waterfall in the world. But its authentic name translates as “waterfall of the deepest place”. On the basis of this discrepancy, a number of scientists have built their hypotheses that once the waterfall was a depression, where the water mass was glass. And the area itself was located higher. Over time, the landscape changed its structure, and a depression with water turned into a waterfall.

An avalanche of water falls from almost a kilometer height, and the name of the top of the mountain, from which it breaks down, is translated as "Devil's Mountain". The area around Kerepakupai-meru is shrouded in fog. The latter is formed due to the fact that during the fall, water breaks up into small particles, and when approaching the ground, it collects again into a water mass. Locals claim that outsiders can easily get lost in the vicinity of the waterfall. There are cases when people were lost without a trace. Today, magicians and sorcerers come to this place to recharge the energy of the water.
The English writer Arthur Conan Doyle, known for his weirdness, chose the waterfall as the site of the events of The Lost World. Thus, the waterfall is known as one of the strangest and most mystical places in the world.
From the history of the modern name
The modern name is associated with tragic events: in the 30s of the last century, the plane of the American pilot James Angel crashed over it. All crew members managed to escape, but the return to civilization, namely the descent from the mountain peaks, took 11 days. But the flying apparatus itself was less fortunate. For 33 years she remained at the top of Auyantepui. Subsequently, he was transported to the ground by helicopter. Today, this aircraft has also joined the treasury of world relics.

This place was discovered only at the beginning of the last century. Its discoverer was Ernesto Sánchez la Cruz, but before the tragedy with the American plane, the place was not very famous. This is how the tragic events brought Angel to world fame. After restoration, the aircraft was installed in front of the airport in the city of Ciudad Bolivar.
In 1945, American scientists explored this place, establishing its height and location, which was soon published in a book. The waterfall was added to the list of World Heritage Sites only in 1994.
How to get there
You need to buy an air ticket to the cities of Carcas, Ciudad Bolivar, Margarita Puerto Ordos. And already from these cities you can also get to Canaima by plane - this village serves as the starting point of the journey to the foot of Angel. There are no roads in Canaima, so here you will have to use the services of small aircraft or go canoeing.
Journey to the Lost World
Examining the surroundings, it is quite possible to believe in the hypothesis of scientists explaining the history of the waterfall. In the southern part, almost on the outskirts of the Guiana Highlands, where the waterfall is located, tepuis are located - whole plateaus, table mountains, whose territories sometimes stretch for thousands of kilometers. One such plateau, known as Auyantepui, gave birth to the waterfall.
The surrounding landscape has preserved its pristine flora and fauna as it was before the arrival of man here. There is an opinion: if not for the crash of Angel, then this place has remained almost the only place where people have not been.

The natural feature of these places was studied later. Only in 1956, the researchers managed to go from the foot to the peaks of Auyantepui. In the course of the study, such oddities became clear: it rains more on the mountain than at its foot, and the mountain is also a place of increased thunderstorm activity. In Indian legends, the mountain is called a black place.
In the course of further research, two craters were discovered, which at first were mistaken for volcanoes, but, as it turned out, they were karst funnel hollows washed out by the waters. The depth of one such funnel is 375 meters, and it is about 400 meters in diameter.
Scientists managed to descend into one of these craters. During the research, plants were discovered, previously unknown in botany.
In 1984, exploration of the area continued. Thus, a new object was developed - the top of the "Misty Mountain". Unknown plants were found here, unique specimens of animals and fish were discovered. For example, the head of one fish had the shape of a broom, in another it resembled a dog's head, the third differed in dish-shaped lips. Giant dragonflies of amazing beauty, whose wings reached 30 cm, flew over the water. Another discovery for scientists was that chemical creams and ointments did not save local bloodsuckers.

The beauty of Venezuela was still being explored - in 1973, the Italian scientist Garbari discovered in the Marauca mountains a waterfall even higher than Angel, but no one has yet succeeded in making accurate measurements. Due to this, the record heights of Angel are still preserved, which leaves the waterfall with its title of the highest waterfall in the world.