Among the amazing world sights, fountains occupy a special place, many of which are a unique combination of man-made art with the water element. Among the fountains of the whole world, there are those whose height is able to amaze with its grandeur.

The King Fahd fountain in the city of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, is considered the tallest in the world. Its jets rise to a height of 312 meters (this is higher than the three hundred meter Eiffel Tower).
The fountain inherited its name from the name of King Fahd, who ruled Saudi Arabia from 1980 to 1985. The king planned to build the main attraction of the country in its western part in order to attract tourists to the city of Jeddah. By 1983, the fountain was built. Initially, the water jet could rise 120 meters in height. The mechanism of the attraction was open and visible to everyone, so it did not make much of an impression on travelers and locals. It was decided to raise the water discharge level by about 180 meters, and place the mechanism itself in a kind of golden fence in the form of a bowl. As a result, the waters of the King Fahd fountain soared more than 300 meters into the sky. The speed of water ejection reaches 375 km / h, and the total volume of water emitted by the fountain per second is 625 liters.
It is noteworthy that from the moment the fountain was improved, the latter has been working without interruptions and interruptions. Stops are possible only in cases of maintenance work or adverse weather conditions. All control over the work of this giant is carried out with the help of a computer.
Unlike other fountains, there are no grandiose light shows or events. Its power and eccentricity of the structure so cause delight in the eyes of people. At any time, the fountain serves as a certain beacon for all visitors, pointing to the embankment highway.