Thailand is an exotic country, so every tourist who goes there on vacation should be aware of the dangers that he may face there. Southeast Asia is home to a large number of predators, poisonous animals and insects. You need to know how to protect yourself from the possible danger posed by them.

Snail cones

The sea can become a dangerous place for a tourist. Various poisonous animals live in it. One of them is the cone snail (conidae). It has a very beautiful bright shell of various colors. Anyone will want to take it as a souvenir. But this beauty is fraught with danger! The mollusk has a poisonous thorn that can shoot at a distance of a meter, it contains a substance that can kill a person. Snails are found at depth, near coral reefs, but sometimes they are thrown ashore by a wave. Don't touch the bright and attractive cone-shaped shells!

Jellyfish are also dangerous to humans. In Thailand, they are rarely highly poisonous, but they can sting severely, leaving a burn on the skin. And for a small child, jellyfish are much more dangerous than for an adult, because children's skin is more sensitive and the risk of an allergic reaction is higher. Jellyfish are transparent and poorly visible in water, and their tentacles are very long, they can reach several meters in length.
To protect yourself from jellyfish, you should only swim on large popular beaches. Usually there are special barriers from uninvited guests.
Sea urchins

Sea urchins are a relative hazard to tourists. A needle prick of a sea urchin is not dangerous to health, and someone claims that it is even useful. But, you must admit, it will be very unpleasant to step on a needle 10 centimeters long. In addition, an allergic reaction may occur and then the hospital cannot be avoided.

Sharks are found in Thailand, but most of them are not dangerous to humans. They are afraid to appear near large crowds of people. Sharks do not like the noise of water transport, so on public beaches the probability of meeting them is reduced to zero.
If you are diving, there is a chance to meet a shark, but many species of sharks feed on small fish and will not be able to eat humans. But if they smell blood, they can attack, so do not go deep if you have open wounds.

There are a lot of monkeys in Thailand, especially near temples, in parks and on beaches. They are wild and can be dangerous to humans. Hungry monkeys can attack a tourist and take all valuables, food and clothing from him. In the worst case, the monkey can bite you and infect you with rabies. In any case, after a bite, you should consult a doctor and take a course of injections against this dangerous disease.
Beware of male monkeys, do not clench your fists in front of them, do not smile, showing your teeth, do not behave aggressively towards members of the pack. All bright and tempting items should be taken away if you are on a trip to Monkey Island. Cover your shoulders and head, because macaques can jump on you and scratch you.
Wild elephants

Wild elephants are found in Thailand. Most often, they behave calmly towards people, but situations are different. An elephant can suddenly attack a moving vehicle.

Tourists can meet snakes in forests and parks; they rarely appear in the city. Among them there are very poisonous ones, for example, cobras and krait. Snakes do not attack first, do not like noise and crowds, so the chance of being bitten is not very great. But if you're on a wildlife excursion, wear high boots and watch your step closely.

Mosquitoes in Thailand can carry dangerous diseases such as Dengue fever and malaria. There is treatment for these diseases, but they are still very unpleasant and can have complications. Malaria is especially very dangerous, because it greatly undermines health and the consequences are delayed until the end of life.
Usually there are a lot of mosquitoes during the rainy season, there are more of them on the islands than in the city, they become active in the late afternoon. A large number of repellents are sold in shops in Thailand. Be sure to use them!

Scolopendra are found in Thailand. They are horribly unpleasant looking centipedes. They are gigantic in size - up to half a meter in length. They often hide in houses, crawl into shoes and clothes, so be careful, especially at night. Scolopendra venom is not fatal, but the bite site will swell and hurt a lot.
Migratory larva
A very small, but terribly unpleasant creature that lives in Thailand - the migrating larva (larva migrans). It is a parasite that lives in Africa and Southeast Asia. These larvae are carried by cats and dogs, of which there are a lot in Tae. Walking barefoot on the ground or grass has a good chance of picking up the parasite. They die quickly in the hot sand under the hot sun, so it's not dangerous to walk on the beach. But in the shade of trees, on lawns and wet ground, this parasite will feel good.
The migratory larva can penetrate the skin and cause severe itching and redness. Symptoms can last for several months and get worse. Fortunately, this disease is not very dangerous and is quite easily treated with antibiotics. The difficulty is that doctors in Russia may misdiagnose. Symptoms are often confused with fungal infections or scabies.