How To Travel In Spain

How To Travel In Spain
How To Travel In Spain

You can travel in Spain in the traditional way: choose a specific resort in advance, contact a travel agency, book a hotel room and not puzzle over where you will be and what to do all the time. Or you can independently organize a trip to Spain, yourself determine the route of travel around the country.

How to travel in Spain
How to travel in Spain

When planning a vacation in Spain, you need to clearly understand why you are going there. If you want to soak up the sun, and even more so if you have small children with you, then you should choose a beach vacation. For this, resorts on the coasts of the Mediterranean and Balearic Seas are suitable - from the Costa del Maresme to the Costa Blanca. You will especially enjoy the coastline in the autonomous region of Valencia, which is considered the center of Spain's beach tourism. It has the largest number of beaches in the country that have been awarded the EU Blue Flag.

Choose a resort based on the principle that the older the child is, the further to the south of the country. But don't limit yourself to the hotel-beach-hotel route. After all, Spain is an amazingly diverse region, both geographically and culturally. And therefore, a complete rest in this country will be with a combination of beach and sightseeing leisure. For example, the nearest resort town to Barcelona suitable for families with children is Kaleya. From here you can make interesting trips to Barcelona itself and other places in Catalonia.

Independent travel to Spain for many has already become a favorite form of recreation. The popularity of such a vacation is growing every year mainly due to the fact that it is not at all difficult to organize such a trip yourself. The most simple and proven by more than one tourist options are the following routes to Spain.

Route one. Fly to Barcelona. Or you get here by bus, in which case you also visit European cities, for example, Munich and Geneva. Upon arrival, book a hotel for 2-3 days of rest and for 1-2 last days before departure. Rent a car and take the coastal route either north or south of Barcelona.

Route two. Arrive in Madrid or travel by land through Europe. Spend 2-3 days in Madrid, rent a car and then at your discretion: you can go to Barcelona and from there down the Balearic-Mediterranean coast to the south, combining beach holidays and excursions. You can visit Barcelona on the way back. In any case, there will be a lot of impressions, the main thing is to clearly choose the route.

Every tourist faces a problem when to go to Spain. In fact, you can do this whenever you want. Another question is why you are going there. The beach season is in full swing from June to September. It is warm in May, but the sea does not have time to warm up yet, and in October you can still swim and the intense heat has already subsided, but there is a risk of running into rains. Although, on the other hand, May and October can please with low prices and fairly good weather. And this is the best time just for those who focus on sightseeing holidays in order to leisurely enjoy medieval Spain and visit the famous Granada, Seville, Girona, Cordoba and other picturesque places of this amazing country.
