Home to bullfighting and flamenco, Spain is one of the most popular tourist destinations. However, it is not at all necessary to entrust the organization of a trip to this country with a tour operator: you can do it yourself.

Organizing your trip to Spain requires you to take a few basic steps. At the same time, do not forget that Spain is one of the countries that have signed the so-called Schengen Agreement, therefore, to enter this country, you will need to obtain a Schengen visa. However, you do not need to start with her.
Flight selection
The first thing to start planning your trip to Spain with is to decide on the way of entry. If you go there from Russia, perhaps the best option would be a flight: in this case, you will save time compared to overland travel, and the cost of the ticket can be quite affordable, especially if you purchase it in advance. To find a suitable ticket, you can use one of the search engines designed specifically for choosing flights, for example, www.skyscanner.ru or www.aviasales.ru.
In addition, today there is a large selection of direct routes to Spain from Russia: depending on your preferences, you can choose a ticket to one of the major cities, for example, Barcelona or Madrid, or go straight to the islands - Ibiza, Tenerife or Palma de -Mallorca. Having decided on the direction, the date of departure and the carrier airline, you should book a ticket. In doing so, keep in mind that most airlines require immediate payment of the selected ticket or provide a short enough period for the redemption of the reservation. Therefore, be prepared to spend the required amount.
Hotel selection
Having booked a flight, you get a clear idea of how many days and nights you will stay in a particular city: now you can choose a hotel. To do this, you can use any of the popular booking systems, for example, booking.com or hotels.com. Pay special attention to the reviews of those guests who have already stayed at this hotel, they will help you make the right choice.
Unlike a flight, when booking a hotel, you do not always need to pay the required amount for accommodation right away: some hotels accept payment on the spot. Specify which of the options is valid in your case in order to take the required amount with you, and be sure to print the reservation: it will be useful to you in the next step.
Applying for a visa and planning a trip
After the hotel and the flight are purchased or booked, print out the relevant confirmations and read the list of additional documents that will be required to apply for a visa: you can do this on the website of the visa center www.spainvac-ru.com. Having prepared all the required certificates, photographs and a foreign passport, contact the consulate corresponding to your place of residence. However, do not forget that it takes time to prepare a visa: it usually takes up to two weeks. While your visa is being prepared, you can draw up a detailed itinerary and choose which sights you would like to see.